
joined 2 years ago
[–] Alpha71 3 points 1 day ago

I keep saying that all the billionaires are imaginary. All their money is tied up in concepts. ;ie stocks, bonds etc. hell even land will be worthless in an apocalypse. At most their maybe worth a couple hundred in mill in cash liquidity. Which will also become worthless in an apocalypse....

[–] Alpha71 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I think trump would treat his kids the same way Stalin did...

[–] Alpha71 7 points 1 day ago (1 children)

All I hear is "When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city to see a marching band"

[–] Alpha71 18 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Yeah, I had to do that with Nux Taku. The guy made funny videos back in the day, but he slowly became a "Anti-woke" conservative mouthpiece. It's funny because the video that made me unsubscribe was a video of his saying how another youtuber got cancelled for being too woke.

[–] Alpha71 7 points 4 days ago

The ONLY reason I have Proton email, is because my bank thinks it's the only secure email in the world...

[–] Alpha71 2 points 1 week ago

Wait until you fall deathly ill and need someones help.

[–] Alpha71 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

It is not it's all it's cracked up to be. Trust me.

[–] Alpha71 3 points 1 week ago

Yeah, that's why I have libre office.

[–] Alpha71 14 points 1 week ago (4 children)

That would require me to actually know someone.

[–] Alpha71 3 points 1 week ago

Hydra knows how to lay low...

[–] Alpha71 12 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Here's the problem why people are having a hard time wrapping their heads around it. Cognitive dissonance, They're still expecting then to behave like politicians, Because A POLITICIAN WOULD NEVER DO THAT!!! They wouldn't get re-elected! Doesn't everybody understand that we fought against them! It's just a grand gesture!

This is population mental whiplash on a grand scale. The problem is the mind always lags behind the body when reacting to danger. it's what the mind decides to do next that will determine survival.


I think it has become pretty clear That corporations have completely taken over the U.S.

I have wondered what their end game was, and now I got it. They don't care about politics or policy. All they wanted was full complete access to the most powerful item America has.

It's Economic power.

They see how America "controls" most of the economies of the world. THAT is the power they crave. They HAVE to add that extra zero to their balance sheet no matter what. Tariffs against Mexico, Canada and China are a test run. To see how well their expectations are met, after all nobody who matters is gonna suffer right?

Unfortunately, they forgot one thing. Most other democratic counties are still democratic. Sure we all have corporate penetration at some level, but WE don't have their personally chosen puppet master standing behind our world leader. And we especially don't like it when someone is telling us what to do.

Canada is now officially looking to break as many financial ties with america as it can, and is opening up trade to as many Asian and European partners as they can. Mexico is doing the same.

There are only two outcomes that are going to happen in this scenario. Either way, america is going to be the big loser.

Scenario 1: They try for the full four years to force the rest of the world to bend the knee (they will of course fail)

scenario 2 however...

scenario 2: they go militaristic.

Here is why the Canadian "51st state" rhetoric should be concerning everybody. Especially Americans.

They are trying to set up a "Ukraine 2.0" situation should they need it. Why? Because they have access to all the Data about climate change. And Canada has in abundance the resources the states will need survive it all. bigger country but a VASTLY smaller population. I mean what could go wrong right? I mean sure the Russians fucked it up, but we're americans right!? We have the most powerful army in the world!

Because nobody learned anything from Afghanistan...

But here's the real reason why ALL Americans should be concerned. Guess what they can suspend during a "time of war?" That's right, the Constitution. SO guess who would get to hold onto the reigns of power until the "war" over?" Their puppet.

I am going to close with this. I have worked with alot of ex Canadian military guys, one guy was a retired Colonel in the Army. He told me a story about one day when they were at a training exercise with the American military. It was after hours and all the leadership got together for a little "Get to know you" function. drinks were flowing liberally, and after imbibing some, he was talking to an American General. And point blank asked him what he thought would happen if they ever tried to invade Canada? His answer was one simple sentence...

"We'd take her, but we'd never be able to keep her."

[–] Alpha71 6 points 2 weeks ago

It's been that way for years.

Are we great or what!? (self.canadians)
submitted 3 weeks ago by Alpha71 to c/canadians

The answer is yes.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Alpha71 to c/asklemmy

I know this is weird, but someone whom I follow, I recently discovered had an OF.

Now I'm not knocking them for it. It's just that everything they present to the public is the complete opposite of someone whom (purely in my opinion) would never do something like that.

I dunno it's just something odd I wasn't expecting.

*Edit: Fuck it. It's Alice Winterhold. There. Are you happy now? Perhaps you'll understand now...

quick question about FPS (self.pcmasterrace)
submitted 1 month ago by Alpha71 to c/pcmasterrace

I recently bought a 7600XT so I have AMD's Adrenaline. Now when I play Ghost Recon Breakpoint. According to AMD's software I'm getting between 290 to 310 FPS.

But when I play Breakpoint, the in game FPS counter says only between 90 to 100 FPS. So,

  1. Why the Discrepancy? and
  2. Which one is right?

As an owner of an A770, I thought I would give prospective buyers my experience with it.

I originally bought it because I was dissatisfied with the performance of my 6600XT. At the time I played alot of Arma 3, which is a horribly optimized. It would run horribly on the card. And performance wasn't much better in other games as well.

Simply put 8GB of VRAM is simply not enough nowadays. So My personal recommendation is minimum 12GB. (Full Disclaimer: I later found a BIOS setting that was holding back the 6600XT, but the performance in game was a little better, but not by much.)

Once I bought the card and installed it. It ran like a dream. Performance in Arma 3 was much better. and I had no problems. I should mention at this point that I bought this card long after Intel got their drivers properly sorted.

I ran every game I had in my library. I have alot of games from both steam and GOG. And the oldest one, X-wing tie fighter, off of steam ran no problem.


Here are the problems I ran into.

I enjoy racing games. And i have triple 40 inch monitors for that. Now one game I absolutely love is Forza Horizon 5. I was able to run it in triple monitor mode no problem with the 6600 XT. And at first I was able to do so as well with the A770, at 60Hz, the refresh rate of my monitors.

But then they updated their drivers and everything went to shit.

Forza would only output to one monitor even though it showed up as being in triple monitor mode. Now Technically Forza 5 doesn't officially offer triple monitor support. But there are work arounds that other people used to get it working for them. I tried those but they didn't work for me. So I would occasionally play Forza but didn't like only using one screen, so my usage dropped off.

Also for some reason the combined monitors would output to 59.96Hz leading me to get headaches after long play times.

Another game I enjoyed playing in triple monitor mode, is Ghost Recon Breakpoint. But after the driver update it would still output to 48:9 but it was stretching a 16:9 image to do so.

So basically all the problems I encountered is software based. The hardware is excellent, but the software reminds me of AMD when they were still known as ATI.

So intel is the new AMD. for both the good and the bad.

Now. Onto the software.

You can tell Intels graphics software were designed by engineers, because it is remarkably in depth and overly complicated.

With AMD, getting into triple monitor mode is a simple one button press operation. One and done.

Here's what you have to do to get triple monitors running with Intel for the first time

First you go into the software trying to find the way to get triple monitors working.

Can't find it so you do some googling.

Find out you have to download ANOTHER piece of software. You do so.

You open said software. Find no instructions on how to do so.

do more googling.

After sifting through a couple of scam videos on youtube you finally find one that describes what you have to do with frustratingly level of nonchalantness. Figure the rest out yourself.

Find out, after sort of getting it to work, you then have to manually align the monitors. Takes multiple attempts to get it right. But finally manage to do so.

Realize the next time you try to get into triple monitor mode you have to do it all over again.

Rinse and repeat.

So. Conclusions.

I think intel will be a force to rekon with once they get the software side of things down pat. But TBH I would do some serious consideration before buying the new card right now.

Intel Arc was Pat Gelsingers baby and with him out the door, I don't know if Intel plans to keep the Arc line alive. It would be shitty, but perfectly Intel to have a product people like only to kill it due to short term considerations.

I now have a 6700XT 16GB model. And while it's miles better than the 6600XT, I find that to me personally it feeling like the A770 slightly outperforms it. Even though on paper the 7600XT is supposedly 15% faster. And apparently the B580 outperforms The A770. So make of that what you will.

Anyways i hope this helps you with your buying decisions. Good luck out there.

submitted 3 months ago by Alpha71 to c/pcmasterrace

I am going to buy myself a new video card for Christmas. When I look online I see that XFX is usually the best priced card. Are they a good company? Are their cards made well? How about their warrantee service?

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