Water is extremely addictive though. I can’t go more than a few days without the stuff…
Hydro homies
Water is the essence of life.
water drinkers be like: please bro just let me bum off your water bottle... i swear im not addicted
Thing is we're not addicted to water, we're dependent upon it like how a chronic pain sufferer is dependent upon painkillers to live a normal life.
Drink (water) addiction free homies
Water does expire. If you leave it exposed to the air shit will grow in it, and even if you have it in a container you shouldn't keep it for more than 6 months (or if you do, treat it with bleach before drinking it)
Stagnant water can also become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other pests.
If it's bottled water, the plastic degrades.
My family thinks I'm insane because I almost exclusively get bathroom sink water where I live when I get water. It's so much better than the kitchen taps.
Only problem with water is that I need to get better about actually remembering to drink enough.
Remembering to drink enough is a myth. You should drink when you want to drink and not worry about hitting some arbitrary water intake number.
I tried soda and got addicted from the first sip. It only took one bottle to hook me. Stay away from soda. Never try soda. Water is best.
When God got angry, he didn't flood the earth with Dr Pepper
I’ll be water but without the 3 ass cheeks thanks