Good. More unions, and better paid unions means higher pay even for non-union workers. History has shown higher levels of union membership (and over 1/2 the work force wants to be in a union) raises pay for entire communities. When union membership was higher, the middle class was larger and the country was stronger.
Hey, welcome to BrainWorms.
This is a place where I post interesting things that I find and cant categorize into one of the main subs I follow. Enjoy a front seat as i descend into madness
Go team go!
Unfortunately for me, this puts me on layoff until they come back. I’m in a UAW Union, but do not receive any benefits such as strike pay. I’m going to have to file for unemployment while I find a new job, until they call us back in.
I support the strike, but it seems unlikely that Ford will give in to their demands. My job is pretty stressful, but I kind of like it for the challenge it is.
Same boat but with GM as a fork truck operator. First time working in a union shop. I like this job because it's actually much lower stress than my last job (supervisor, logistics). Not sure what I'll do while the strike is on.
It sucks. We are required for GM to be able to make cars, and yet the union does not give us any of the benefits they afford the others. Why even be affiliated with them if we get put on layoff when they strike?
Must be nice to have a union, the rest of us still work our asses off to stay poor.
Go form a union.
With who? I literally have one coworker at a privately-owned business 😂😭
Sounds like it would be easy to get everyone on board.
It's a good way to get seen as replaceable. Fast.
Just tell your boss you want a union, or he'll have to replace his entire workforce, all 2 of you.
I have been seriously considering the Ford Mustang Mach-E but I will wait until this strike is resolved before I consider moving forward with the purchase.
Union Strong!
Yay! Just last week news was coming out about how bad their issues in their workplaces are.
They just gonna get furloughed and manufacturing moved to Mexico, like they always do.
How do you fight against that?