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[–] kalleboo 10 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

Every car I've driven with keyless ignition (which seems to be the standard now) refuses to lock if it detects the key inside the car, even if you try to do it manually by pressing the lock button, so hopefully this is a solved problem now.

I've honestly never heard of self-locking cars doors, that's a crazy idea.

[–] kalleboo 5 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Not just "US fuckers". These countries have also announced plans to bring AC units: Great Britain, Canada, Italy, Germany, Japan, Greece, Denmark and Australia

[–] kalleboo 1 points 1 week ago

There was an updater for iTunes or something for MacOS X that would wipe out your home directory if your hard disk had a space in its name. The default name for the Mac hard disk from the factory is "Macintosh HD".

[–] kalleboo 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

until whatever VR app has a plug in for every thing you’d want to do on your phone

Isn't that the big difference with Apple's visionOS vs the other VR headsets? It's basically iPadOS, where you can run multiple apps at the same time and move windows around, without anything needing to know what else is going on, and everything uses the standard window and widgets toolkits. Unlike the Meta Quest, which is basically SteamOS where you're switching between Unity games that take over the whole device and they all have to re-invent the world with slightly different controls and everything.

[–] kalleboo 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

"A couple of days" seems like the worst of both worlds - it needs to be charged often, but not on a fixed schedule, so you have to keep tabs on the battery and plan ahead.

Personally I just have a charger on my night stand and charge it every night alongside my phone. It's an easy routine and I don't want to sleep with a watch on anyway (smart or not) since when I do I eventually get a rash on my wrist.

For those who want to do sleep tracking, they need to speed up charging so that the "charging while I take a shower" works for those of us who take shorter showers

[–] kalleboo 2 points 1 week ago

My experience is that the tiny, mountainous, Eastern European backwaters are the places with the cheapest plans, and places like Germany and Canada have the worst ones.

[–] kalleboo 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

RCS was designed to be implemented by the carriers, but all the carriers tried it, failed to gain any traction, and dropped support again, so now the only server is the Google one which is used automatically by the Google messaging app (which, to their credit, does support encryption, through a proprietary extension which they are now allowing Apple to use as well)

[–] kalleboo 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

A bunch of carriers implemented it originally, but their implementations were all horribly broken, with messages between carriers usually not working, the carrier-installed messaging apps sucking, etc. Eventually they all dropped it and Google picked up the ashes and "fixed it" by making their server the only one instead of having per-carrier servers like SMS/MMS.

[–] kalleboo 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

The US used to heavily punish that sort of behaviour, but in this case it took EU action to reign in a US company

FWIW in this case it was Chinese action - China is requiring all phones sold domestically to support RCS. The EU DMA would have forced Apple to open up access to iMessage, not implement RCS, but they found that in the EU, iMessage market share is too small for the DMA to kick in (probably due to the overwhelming popularity of WhatsApp).

[–] kalleboo 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)
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