I mean, a TV is pretty big right? Man, you could miss so many times and still cover all the holes up with the TV.
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I feel so attacked right now lmao. My mom and I actually did this once.
Also stand in a bucket of water. If you get a big shock then you're close!
Just duct tape that shit up yo!
You can also scan for them with the TV remote. Pan it slowly across the wall while holding down the power button. If you suddenly feel horny, you found a stud.
This is LPT. I have done this multiple times. Stud finders don't always work on really old plaster walls.
That's what I came here to say. Plaster walls don't care about your beeping stud finder.
I hung a TV in an 1800s house and my stud finder worked fine. Definitely plaster and lath.
That's where the good old nocking trick comes in. 😉
My boss did this with a screwdriver in company walls. The TV did, in fact, cover up the holes.