It's either a scam or a hellscape.
Is it a privately owned company under at-will employment? Then don't allow yourself loyalty to an abstract entity that would ruin your life if it was more convenient than not.
At any rate: If you change, you are safer long term. When things one day get hard, it is healthy to know that you are able to move employment on your own terms.
?, Jenkins, RedDot, Litterbox, Toonhole, C&H
Also the you don’t have to use it, is a weak argument not even for or against
"Our pizza now comes with a topping of human feces!"
"What? Just scrape it off if you don't like it"
I'm a software developer, and understand the technicalities and options available to me. I am capable of forking Firefox and make myself a custom build with anything I don't like stripped out. (Capable of, not wanting to.)
They removed "We don't sell your data and we never will" from their FAQ and they added "We may sell your data" to the ToS.
I am unhappy about this change. It is a clear sign that the people in charge of Firefox want to sell user data, and that the irrecoverable enshittification path has been chosen. It means that at some point in the next few years, I can't trust Firefox' with my privacy. And they sure as fuck don't have anything else going for them: The browser eats memory and freezes my camera during video conferencing, and is plain not supported in some of the software I use at work.
The rationale is probably something entirely reasonable, like "While we do not intend to sell user data, the phrasing was too vague and not helpful. What is selling, and what is user data, really?" An organization with strong privacy values would be so far from anything "bad" that the phrasing as it was would not be a problem for them.
It's irrelevant that right now privacy settings and xyz and telmentry is clear and opt in etc. Because the point is that they are gearing up to change that. The settings will be less clear, user data will be separated into shit like "operability assistance", "personal information", "experience improvement metrics" with some of it enabled by default because, etc.
Reading past the headline, the article goes on to say that calorie in/out is correct but hard to calculate usefully and thus they recommend strategies that are easier to keep stable.
It's pretty shitty to equate a first worlder feeling hungry for a bit to actual starvation. One is unpleasant. The other is serious.
People peddling off-brand christianity were hunted down and tortured to death:
If you express your viewpoint in a kind way, that's genuinely the most "winning" you can possibly achieve.
Convincing people in one go is not achievable by just finding the right words.
People may disagree. They may downvote you to hell. They may thank you. They may agree. They may misunderstand.
But as long as you write kindly, people will read what you say and give it thought. Maybe it plants a seed for them to change their mind another time.
Go for it! Let your enemies learn that you can come for them any time!
They want people to feel like rebels with a cause.
This is a good symbol to make a lot of people your enemies. Your ingroup can now rally against "the establishment".
It couldn't work before, because it made too many enemies for your small ingroup, but we've reached a tipping point where it is feasible to keep a thing going for a while.
Instructions unclear. Sent them dick pics.