Definitely a niche product, given how few people would still have working older consoles and want to play on them using modern controllers but good on them releasing this.
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As the article mentions as well, some ps2 games rely on the pressure sensitive ps2 buttons. So you’ll have issues trying to use modern controllers with those titles.
Still an awesome device though
I remember learning this when I was still using X for gas in racing games. I got so much better when I switch to analog sticks because it guaranteed I was putting in full throttle.
Which buttons are pressure sensitive? Aren’t they all just regular buttons aside from the analog sticks?
Almost all of them! Face buttons, dpad, and triggers all put out an analogue value on ps2 controllers.
It was a bad feature that almost nobody used, which is why it was abandoned. But nonetheless, it’s mandatory in a few games from that era.
It might not have been perfect, but I think MGS3 made fairly good use of them. They basically turned one button into two that perform similar actions for different results.
I never played it, but I was reading about it while looking up info on this topic.
Wasn’t it the case that a light press would hold a guard hostage non-lethally, but a heavy press would kill them? Sounds dangerous haha
Yep. If I remember correctly it actually worked pretty well. I think a light press would also grab someone and a hard press yould toss them to the ground too. My memories of this are very old, but I don't remember having issues with it.
That’s awesome! I’ll have to give this a shot with what few games took advantage of it. Been meaning to try MGS anyway
On ps2 and ps3 controllers nearly all buttons are pressure sensitive with the exception of the l3/r3 stick buttons and start/select.
I mean it's not really that niche for 8bitdo, it's kind of what they do.
Funny enough, I've been looking into supporting my local retro game store after I found out that a PS1 was $70 on their shelf, and most PS1 games were under $10.
The only thing holding me back has been the god-awful ergonomics of the original controllers. So the thought of using my PS5 controller has re-piqued my interest.
Look into the Retro Fighters Defender as well. It’s about the size of a DualShock with ergonomics more similar to DualSense. I have the Bluetooth version for my PS3 but they have a 2.4ghz wireless for PS1/PS2 and has pressure sensitive buttons.
Awesome, finally! I've been waiting for this... I just hope it works with the Memcard Pro as well. I bought a cheap wireless controller for my PS1 and the power draw from it plus the Memcard Pro would cause games to crash or not load.