Why do you think consoles are constantly exploding every time they even bump into something?
The ethics of it are dubious because every time you see someone transport they are being literally killed in front of your eyes and a new copy created elsewhere.
They "nuh-uh'd" this in Enterprise. The inventor of the technology is introduced and basically says the people who propagate that theory are a constant thorn in his side, despite having no basis for it in the reality of that universe.
They also show people experiencing, and reacting to other things in, the matter streams during longer transports. Kind of hard to do if you're dead.
Well, considering much, if not most, of Star Trek takes place outside the Federation... no, not everyone is living in a post scarcity society. And slavery does exist. They just approach it from an analytical point of view, rather than an adventurous one.
... Wensleydale?
More like melodramatic tension, amirite?
Which is probably why it's 59 3/4 instead of 64 3/4 like that other post.
They basically endorsed Trump with their latest stunt. Pretty sure they're shouting the "quiet part" right now.
You can't turn your TV sideways without a lot of headache and potential damage, though.
I mean, I get your overall point, but the initial analogy doesn't quite work.
All while reducing costs, often by skipping steps and ignoring safety.
They used Zompire in the Buffy continuation comics anyways.
That's censorship.