MITM - Mouse in the Middle
Cybersecurity - Memes
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Mouse in the Middle
Rat Assisted Takeover
Coordinated High-speed Optical Media Protocol Subterfuge.
a clever one - no one will suspect there’s a whole Raspberry Pi inside that mouse, the network admins won’t remove it because it’s too gross, and the cleaners aren’t allowed within 10ft of any network cabinets so the attacker gains +5 persistence by default.
no fear, it’s just an optical mouse
No attack, just the new intern
A high fibre diet
Packet Sniffer/Nibbler
Idea: train 100000 mice to eat Ethernet cables, step 2 release
A BiteForce attack, of course.
A RAT...installed on the network level
I'm gonna cut the fun. DoS.
FTTM or Fibre To The Mouse
Network rat.
mouse jiggler
RAT trap.
His doctor said he needed more fiber in his diet.
Rat CAT corruption or rcc
I hope that poor thing is wearing eye protection