One of the best albums in recent years and I’m a metal head! Kamasi just absolutely rocks. Clair de Lune on disc 3 of The Epic is such an incredible reimagining of a piece of classical music.
Run Docker containers on it, one for media server, one for DNS sinkhole etc.
Firefox’s codebase is of the scale of an operating system. I don’t think people realise just how complex web browsers are. If you took the drivers out of the kernel, Firefox dwarfs Linux.
It’s not something someone casually just forks and carries on.
For those that don’t know; Liechtenstein disbanded its military in 1868 and has a population of 41,232 people.
Post above wasn’t dunking on Liechtenstein, just pointing out that the statement of “one other country” has a slight flaw if that country was one of the smallest countries and one with no military.
Technically it did have RAM but only 128 bytes used for the call stack but no frame buffer. The cartridges could include more RAM if needed in addition to the ROM.
Yup, a whopping 128 bytes.
The NES had 2KB each for video and working memory, and 256 bytes for sprites.
The MegaDrive had 64KB each for video and working memory and 8KB for audio.
Snap. I love the form factor and would have been interested in a Switch 2 but after all this bullshit with taking down emulators and trying to patent throwing balls, I’m going to be voting with my wallet and Nintendo have list for for the next generation or two. I’ll survive.
It’s a string, dawg. Just maintain a database of hash and resource location. Lookup hash, return location.
I agree with you as a Brit; we shouldn’t get our old, cushy deal in the EU.
But right now, with everything that is going on in the world, we must try and be understanding of each other.
A minority of the UK voted out and had no idea what it truly meant (FYI I voted remain as I’m a European at heart and always will be). Finding a way back into a union together is more important than any grudge against what a minority of people thought was a good idea (and have been proven to be absofuckinglutely wrong).
Division is what is causing the USA to crumble. We must remain united.
Finally I just want to say I’m so sorry for the clusterfuck that was Brexit. I hope one day you can all forgive us.
Makes sense; sow further division in the groups who don’t like Trump so there’s less opposition to him.
I lived on a mixture of Lynx, Links2, and Browsh when I first lived on my own as I couldn’t afford internet so I used a friend’s who lived down the road. As I had to use a huge antenna to get signal, I suffered slow speeds and packet loss so I spent a couple of years in text-based browsers.
I got so used to it, I used Browsh for a while after I got internet access to my rental as I can grown quite attached to a terminal-only system and ditching DEs and WMs.