I've never understood people who get bored in retirement. I looked forward to it from the very start of my career, and now that I am retired I've gotten so into hobbies and interests that it feels like there still isn't enough time for everything.
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Yeah, I also have 5 hobbies and many more interests. I am only scared that I don't have enough energy left in me once I retire.
Here's to hoping we still have the physical ability to engage with those hobbies and interests.
it's because they had enjoyable work. not the slave trade were in today.
Lol to thinking that it was better. Capitalism was always terrible for normal people.
But many people just don't have a lot of hobbies. Change is also scary for many people.
Gaming and smoking a shit ton of weed in retirement is gonna be great… if we still have social security and access to 401k’s at that point lmao
If they cut the system, we'll get the money in our pay. So at least we can control it. Just don't spend it on games that will hit your backlog and sit for years. I'm personally guilty btw.
Just don't spend it on games that will hit your backlog and sit for years.
What do you think I plan on doing in my retirement?
Right. Some people update their 401k, in over here updating my back log....only 40 more years until I retire. Or die at 90.
Retirement home LAN parties... That's the dream
Dude. Yes.
That’s what I keep going for
Hopefully all your friends are still around
That might be a problem. What friends?
You can make some at true retirement home. Sad part is, our generation isn't getting any of those, most of us will be working till we drop.
I'll restart and 100% stardew valley or die trying. Always wanted to commit to it, never did.
My father is retired and still needs to use PowerPoint. He is very bad at retirement.
And then you die because a blood clot that formed in your leg came loose and shot up into your brain, because you’ve been sitting for weeks playing videogames.
By the time I retire I hope we're in or moving towards a mix of solarpunk and star trek like utopia
I don't think any amount of achievable retirement savings is enough to give me confidence that I could cover escalating health care costs enough that I could retire. Even if I had $10M in the bank, I would worry that the cost of health care will rise fast enough to impoverish me.
You just move to a county with actual Healthcare as part of your retirement. Won't even need 5 mil.
"Error connecting to PSN Servers" (no longer exist)
The PS9 is backwards compatible with PS4 controllers.
The PS9 services for the PSN have been discontinued. Please upgrade to the PS11 to continue using your endocrine system.
Everyone I know who retired is at least as busy as before.
The notion that without a job, people just sit around bored, is capitalist propaganda.
I somehow end up busier whenever I have long stretches of time off. Idle hands create hundreds of projects.
It's insane to me that people think they will somehow go braindead the minute they don't have a job. Is that how they act once they get home after a long and exhausting day of labouring? Just sit down in the couch and die, staring at the white wallpaper until they collapse? From my only related experience with actually existing in this life, I fucking hate how I don't have time for anything, ANYTHING, ever, because work work work, only to go home and work work work some more as an adult with actual responsibilities. Retirement ya, i might get a quarter of my shit in order, at best, but I'd probably just stock it with more responsibilities that I really don't have time for, but a window of more time means a window of thinking about more shit that has been neglected or needs doing because things always do.
Is that how they act once they get home after a long and exhausting day of labouring? Just sit down in the couch and die, staring at the white wallpaper until they collapse?
Replace the wallpaper with a television and this is awfully familiar in my neighborhood.
A decent amount of people really do just park their ass on the couch and cease existing. I've watched more than a few people retire and die shortly after from having nothing to live for.
I noticed over covid that many people were telling me that they were happy to be working again after being furloughed (temporarily paused employment in the UK) because they'd been losing their minds with nothing to do. I couldn't understand it, I was busy and really happy.
What tying your entire purpose in life to how much you can enrich capitalists does to a motherfucker.
Just plug my old ass into the matrix. If I live to see 80 we'll probably have some kind of full dive VR by that point. Or at least something approaching it.
I dunno. I game less and less every year. I think I’ll probably just play the odd n64 game by the time I retire.
Yep, most of us won't really have the energy to get into a 100 hours + game, a platform, an indie or a retro beloved game? Yeah I can see that.
I know right. Elden Ring looks so damn good but there’s no way I can get into it at that playtime.