I doubt that Joe Exotic has been married at any time in 2025
It seems they were not married as of 1st November 2024
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Icon credit C. Brück on Wikimedia Commons.
I doubt that Joe Exotic has been married at any time in 2025
It seems they were not married as of 1st November 2024
Fine, but they can refer to each other as husbands if they like
Well, yeah, but I believe the implication is that if they were legally married then Exotic's husband should be a US citizen and shouldn't have been deported.
should be a US citizen
No? You can marry foreign nationals in the US I'd hope
Other way around. A US citizen marrying a foreign national grants the foreign national a path towards citizenship.
After looking further into it, however, it's not an immediate thing. It seems to take 3 years before you can apply for citizenship, and of course you need to remain in the country legally for those 3 years.
A "path" towards citizenship is vague and doesn't really matter in this new world. ICE has been rounding up noncitizens that are married to us citizens. This has been happening and will continue. This link isn't even the story I first thought of when I was typing this reply.
Joe Exotic really seems to be leaning into leopards these days.
“I am never gonna financially recover from this situation.”
Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving piece of shit. Zero sympathy.
If he can get $5 million, does that mean he financially recovered from this?
The faces are extra tasty.
good ol' create problem, sell solution
Yeah, doesn't make sense no matter how you look at it.
Trump was exceedingly, vulgarly, and graphically clear that a vote for him was a vote the policy of heavy-handed and widespread immigration crackdowns.
even my myopic ass could have seen this one coming. this admin was never going to support him