
joined 2 years ago
[–] Rhoeri 1 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

Nope. This is true. And no one asked you to get butthurt about an article and whine about it either, but here we are.

[–] Rhoeri 1 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

Well, I mean…

Personally, I think laughing at someone for being butthurt about an article that uses Elon’s daughter as a reference to lend credibility to Elon Musk being a fucking Nazi is less pathetic than someone being butthurt about an article that uses Elon’s daughter as a reference to lend credibility to Elon Musk being a fucking Nazi.

But that is just my personal opinion.

[–] Rhoeri 10 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago)

Well said. It really seems that a lot of people are finding out how much easier to say things from afar, then would be to say those same things up close.

Weirdly, I’d bet that if you drew a radius with America being ground zero, you’d find that the further away you got- the easier people would think it should be to fix everything.

[–] Rhoeri 4 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago)

Dunno… brexit sucked and from here- a lot of people that probably could have stopped it seemed pretty weak. Not the same, I get it- but if you can answer one, you might understand the other.

[–] Rhoeri 7 points 14 hours ago

Apologia is fun! isn’t it?

[–] Rhoeri 38 points 14 hours ago (3 children)

Wait. Isn’t this the thing Führer Trump said he didn’t know anything about?

[–] Rhoeri 49 points 14 hours ago

Let’s get this straight:

The president of America- publicly threatened a state governor, and it’s on record.

When exactly is the military going to roll up on the White House to drag this child out by his collar and put him in prison?

[–] Rhoeri 1 points 15 hours ago (2 children)

Most of the far lefters I’ve seen around here are in the “both sides!” camp.

[–] Rhoeri 1 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago)

You clearly seem to think because something was effective in the past- it automatically defaults to being effective in the present.

I’d recommend you learn why we no longer prescribe cigarettes to help asthma sufferers like we did back in the 50’s.

I’d also recommend you learn the difference between Russia in the early 20th century and America in the present.

[–] Rhoeri 0 points 17 hours ago

And whether it’s mainstream media, or a random nobody on lemmy stating an opinion- most people will disregard it if they either don’t care about, or disagree with it.

So now, having said this- take a guess who you think should care more about your opinion here than that of Elon Musk’s daughter elsewhere in a news article:

Hint- If you guess “no one,” you’d be correct.

(I’d also accept “both can be either relevant or irrelevant based on the interest of the reader and shouldn’t be subject to scrutiny just because you think it shouldn’t be stated”)

[–] Rhoeri 1 points 17 hours ago (2 children)

lol… your obsession with this has reached a comical level of absurdity.

[–] Rhoeri 0 points 17 hours ago (3 children)

Seriously? … it’s an article that is simply stating that his own daughter agrees with the experts. Why is this such a fucking problem for you?

Go find a hobby.


A reddit user posted screenshots of a gas giant that were beautifully adorned with the colors of the trans flag.

This attracted bigots with their agenda to disrupt the community discussion and the mods shut it down by locking the post.

So the poster created a second one with more photos as a symbolic gesture that the message was simply about pretty planets that they felt represented them-

It too, was locked.

I made a post there proclaiming that I am leaving until I see the mods replaced with those that will not give in to bigotry, and I linked to this community with the hope that people can find a new home here.

Sooooo… welcome new friends!


For instance, it would be cool if there were a way to have dark mode for one account, and have voyager auto-swap to a different theme when switching to a different account. Or even just have different theme colors per account.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Rhoeri to c/voyagerapp

I’m not receiving any comment notifications on this account at all. The comments are there, but the notification doesn’t show. I have to go to my own comments and then check to see if anyone responded in order to see anything.


This is driving me nuts!

The only way to make the katana auto equip after tossing knives is to un-equip one knife- but then I have to pass through unarmed to get to it.

Is there ANY way to fix this?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Rhoeri to c/baldurs_gate_3

EDIT: This is on PS5-

I made the stupid mistake of acquiring the performance skill from the bard girl in act I by playing along with her, and now no matter whereI I move it to, or even remove it entire from my radial menu, it forces itself back to it every time I have a fight and forces my default radial to whichever one it puts itself on. Even if it has to create a new one.

I had to stop playing this character because its so annoying. Is there a way to make this stop? Or do I have to start over?

Also- is there ANY way to keep Recast Speak with Dead on my bar without having to add it every time after a long rest?

Seriously… the radial menus in BG3 are biggest buggy mess I’ve seen in a game in a while. But it’s such an amazing game!


I have multiple accounts, and I can only ever switch to whichever the newest one added is. How do I switch to a previously created account?


It needs vocals, but I thought it was funny.


Error says I’m not logged in. Though I see that I am. I even see my subscribed communities and inbox.

Cannot see a way to sign out- for all sales and purposes, I’m locked out of my account.

No issues posting from Voyager (formerly Wefwef), so it’s not my lemmy.world account. It’s specifically Memmy.


Still having to close the app and reopen every time I forget that this feature is broken. Loving the swipe features though! Smooth!!

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