And Putin has about 300,000 extra pawns who he is all too happy to add to the board as cannon fodder.
I learned about this from an episode of the recent (and short-lived) Time Bandits TV show.
Haha, I like your style.
All she needed was a white cone hate with a capital D on it to finish that ensemble.
A great source of protein!
Let's go Myles! Great goal by him!
Upstairs, in the opera house, the audience sits in the US while the performers are in Canada.
Would be really funny if the Canadian performers started performing original plays that mocked the current US administration.
That's a really good theory, and it makes a lot of sense.
I think there's something else going on too though. The Egan family is so obsessed with themselves and their legacy. I suspect they see this project as some sort of path to immorality. Some sort of consciousness transfer into the body of a new host. Maybe they get to live with the other consciousness. Or maybe they overview that consciousness completely.
And I think that's an underlying motive for this project. Kind of a twofold benefit: they get to make a financial killing by selling throwaway innies to do unpleasant things (your theory); and they get to perpetuate themselves after the death of their physical body.
And if you can. Which isn't possible for most.
There's still a learning curve with Krita, and it's not trivial. But it's nowhere near as steep as Gimp. The UI is, IMO, not intuitive. And when you get stuck there are tons if good videos online that can help.
Came here to ask for an alternative, so thanks. I didn't have Revolt in my open source/federated alternatives list. But I've added it now.
Holy shit, you ain't wrong. It even has a laughing emoji embedded on the meme. What next, is OP going to start posting minion memes?