I keep feeling like I need to make a sona to count as a furry, but I have no art skills and no money, as well as no concept for a sona other than "friend shaped and likes hugs" and no desire to use it for anything
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but how will your friends draw you fan art if you don't have a sona
Friends? What are those?
Jk I have friends. Two of them, specifically. Neither are furries though.
friend shaped and likes hugs
So, a bear? Anyway, you can probably "start" off with using a game avatar or something, like FF14 and WoW players do
This comic is yeag tbh
I've been online since the dial up days, honestly, the crazies have always been here. It's just far more visible thanks to just plain more people proportionally increasing the crazy population coupled with engagement/revenue optimizing algorithms that latch onto rage and centralized corporate platforms
I used to enjoy the Internet to the fullest, but now I have nightmares brought on by seeing the worst humanity has on tap from sites like Rotten and Ogrish.
I've had issues from the beginning 😭. There's a reason despite having internet since 2010 my oldest surviving accounts are an 2014 youtube channel and my main Steam account.
I was there 30 years ago.
Them interwebs was like the Old West and not in any fondly remembered way.
Been online myself since 1993. Literally from the advent of the World Wide Web. I've seen it all. And I'm hella fucked up.
It's been a journey. Always having to remember to warn everyone in the house not to make any outgoing calls.
And I’m hella fucked up.
In more ways than one it seems....
I stopped caring by one guy one jar.
Same age here and pretty much the same storyline— ever actually made a sona though might have to do that at some point— also please more comics love it!
Well, I did more like a vent thing with my sona. There's another one I did before with a similar premise. But Idk If would be able to go beyond complaining about my past internet experience ^ ^ ' )
Yeah that sucks. Anyone remember the good old days of BBS. Yeah things could get heated there too but many of the boards I hung out on were friendly or at least civilized. Am I the only one old enough to remember that?
Kidding aside, really great comic. I highly recommend crossposting to [email protected] and also the furry version of 196 I'm sure these groups would also love it.
Honestlly Idk how crossposting works here haha, also dunno if that counts as sellf promotion. If you want to share it is fine. Rn I'm on bed with an phone client and eeppy to repost :'3
You just make a new post there but instead of reuploading the picture you use the existing link in this post:
Just copy this one (in case you can't copy the one in the post from the app) and when making a new post just paste in that link. https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/pictrs/image/873d2422-04da-496b-b727-debc821747e7.webp
Okay! Thanks for the tip :D
Posting your own art to furry_irl is awesome actually. I mod it and I'd love to see more OC on there (assuming it's a meme or relatable, which this comic is). Just check out the rules and share away!
More than an OC is my current sona, but gonna consider it lol.
Sonas are perfectly fine! Whether it be this or some other art in the future that fits the criteria, we'd be happy to see it! Regardless, thank you for sharing your art in general.
Gotcha!! ^ w ^)
Ah, DSL internet. Giving infinite porn to kids since 2000 and the wider masses since ~2005.
Nothing quite like discovering e621 and fanfiction dot net on a DSI (yes, the game system) internet browser as a teenager :)
Brooo I did that too lol
Also on my Wii U because that supported some video sites lol
You younglings will never know the thrill of playing flash games in hopes it'd have some nice titties, only to figure out it was just a prank game 😁
Or playing the original High Tail Hall and discovering that the cute looking fox maid wasn't a girl
sounds wild
might have to look into this for academic reasons, i promise :3
Beautiful art, n cute story haha
This comic looks fantastic!
A bit unrelated, but why is your BlueSky account hidden from guests?
This account has requested that users sign in to view their profile.
Thanks for rememmbering I closed the account to guest. Pretty much was because a notorius transphobic doxer guy joined Bsky and with him a bunch of chuds, around the same time of the 25M users milestone. We were asking for him to get banmed but safety team were "le enlighthred centric" so everyone felt insecure. Besides closing it to guest also had to use block list which we didn't wanted because its used a lot by bad actors too
Try mastodon if you have not. Most servers are moderated way better and there are cooler people there anyway. :3
I have one, recently moved my account to woof.tech :3. Edit: I forgot to mention thatmy arroba there is @ dr4k0n616.
More adventures needed :D