There's a lot of problems with housing, but...
Amie, 44, a self-employed writer from rural Maine, purchased her $260,000 home in 2020, securing a 30-year fixed mortgage at an attractive 3.5% interest rate.
Signing up for a mortgage you won't pay off till you're 74 is definitely a choice...
Especially when self employed as a writer.
Back in the day people were able to get a decent job and a mortgage before they were 20, a 30 year mortgage gave them time to "coast" and amass wealth that last decade before retirement.
Nowadays to get a good job, you need college.
So your early years are paying that back, not a mortgage. And by the time you can replace student loans with a mortgage, you can't pay it off before retirement.
And retirement isn't just a "nest egg" and the company pension like it used to. There's almost no pensions anywhere, and to be ready for retirement you need decades of contributions into a 401k and you have to pray the market cooperates for the short stretch you plan on using it.
Just all over the board, shit is fucked for a multitude of reasons.
Even if you do everything 100% right. You could just be fucked by things outside your control and there's zero safety nets.