Your beer belly, is it hard or jiggly?
If it's a hard beer belly, that means you have lots of visceral fat, fat inside the rib cage. This is a strong indicator of metabolic syndrome.
The single best way to tackle that beer belly is to go low carb, this reduces your blood sugar, letting your insulin levels come down, allowing your body to actually function properly. The human body, really, really, really, really does not like visceral fat, and will remove it with urgency when allowed to.
If you like data, buying a continuous glucose monitor, then playing a game where you keep your glucose as flat as possible all day. The beautiful thing about this is you get instant feedback and know exactly how well your doing.
A absolutely great resource on doing this intervention is:
This is the hormonal model of human metabolism, other people have mentioned calorie in calorie out CICO - which is technically correct, but practically unhelpful. Humans are amazing hormonal homeostasis machines, the hormones need to be functioning properly. You can eat 100 g of uranium, and have trillions of calories in your body, but you're not going to be able to use it. It's much better to get your hormones into balance and allow the body to self-correct and stay at optimal.
The great thing about going low carb, is you will lose that visceral fat, your blood pressure will improve, sleep will improve, pre-diabetes will improve, sexual function will improve... Basically everything, the metabolism touches every part of the body! Insulin is extremely important, getting it into control has massive benefits.
All of this! And you won't even be hungry! If you're doing low carb, you can eat as much as you want, as long as you keep your blood sugar down. BBQs steaks eggs bacon cheese, as much as you like at any time. Alcohol : avoid beers, if you must drink vodka or whiskey. -- all of this works because your body will be able to tell you when you're full. Have you ever eaten a steak, and it tastes absolutely delicious at the beginning, but the more you eat it the less and less delicious it tastes? That's how all foods should be. that's the human body self regulating. Sugar messes that system up!