I will join the chorus here recommending that you absolutely do not under any circumstances buy a Meta hardware product. For your budget you will probably have to purchase used or make quite a few sacrifices to your requirements. The alternative is to buy a Quest, but those are cheap because Meta subsidizes the cost of hardware by using it to literally spy on you.
If you can stomach having external tracking towers with your setup anyway, the best avenue for compatibility is probably one of the Valve/HTC Vive models. The Vive Pro 2 is probably the most attractive price-wise, at $800 for the entire setup.
For your purposes the Focus Vision is probably more appealing, since it has inside-out tracking and does not require lighthouses/towers. If I were forced to dump my Reverb for some reason this would probably be the avenue I'd take, however I would have a hard time justifying the minimal upgrade to resolution which is already looking somewhat outdated at 2448x2448 per eye.
The Pimax Crystal Light also looks interesting, but I have no personal experience with Pimax products. It also has inside-out tracking. You can buy it outright but Pimax also does this weird combination pricing thing where they let you stretch out the payments over time if the initial cost blows your budget, which sounds fishy on the surface but they've offered that for a while and haven't been sued into the dirt yet, so it must be at least somewhat legit.