That... actually sounds like an interesting idea for a board game
Board Games
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Isn't that basically Mouse Trap?
They're called "puzzles".
What does it says about everyone that agrees (me included) ? I would have fun with that and know at least another person who would.
Let me introduce you to jigsaw puzzles. They even come with a picture showing you exactly where every piece should go! :D
much too easy ! I'd prefer weirdly convoluted text and uncomprehensible images please. I was actually picturing a group of friends arguing over the rule book. Whoever succesfully argues for it's interpretation of it wins.
Ah, you're describing the 10k piece, monocolour, false fit, advanced version.
now, that sounds interesting !
Star Wars: Imperial Assault
I was gifted it and still haven't found a group willing to play. It's easier to get a SW5e party together, or Mothership
Campaign for Africa?
Made by Fantasy Flight. The only contents are the instructions and 3,007 unsorted 1mm x 1mm cardboard tokens.
Not sure I ever even played Mousetrap.
I am looking at you nemesis.
None of the rules mentioned in the article actually sound that convoluted (other than specific names I wouldn't remember). I've played worse.
Small book for a 2.5 hour setup. (25 pages)
Empyreal feels like it's a long of a setup, but it's not nearly that bad.
A full fleet scenario for Star Fleet Battles would make this game look like tic-tac-toe.