I started reading the article, and then they started quoting trump.....and I just can't read anymore. I've decided that I'm just NOT going to read any more of this article. His complaining is not worth my time. This has no bearing on me, and my mental health is not going to be damaged reading every little dipshit thing he says.
Ugh......can we just NOT do the next 4 years? Just.....no. C'mon. This guy has been in our lives for too long. He's been front and center of our every waking moment for the past......holy shit, 8 years. And it's going to be 4 MORE years.
I could not tell you what Clinton, or Bush, or Obama are up to. I'm sure in 2 months time I won't be able to tell you what Biden is up to at that point. But you just KNOW that assuming he lives long enough to still be alive in 4 years, he's NOT going to go away. Regardless of who our 2028 election winner is, when they're sworn in, you just KNOW he's going to hang around and claim to be the REAL president.
I feel like I've been in a coma, and I can't wake up, and my subconscious, which creates reality around me, is just stuck on hateful fuck you mode. None of this feels logically real. None of it. The big stuff. The little stuff. Even the idea of Taylor Swift at the Superbowl being interpreted as a political move.....despite at the time NEVER speaking one political opinion.....AND DATING THE QUARTERBACK PLAYING IN THE SUPERBOWL.......how is this real life? How??? HOW IS THIS WHAT LIFE IS????
flips a table on the way out