It's because he's 21.
There's an accomplishment somebody should add to their list before replying: "dickhead removal"
They're obviously being facetious but it absolutely could have been clearer.
Yeah I was definitely having the exact same experiences before I started trying to go sober a few years ago! Still, it's a learning process.
Yeah, I feel like for some people moderation is just not the right approach! I certainly can't. Getting sober is certainly not impossible though, you're right.
It's crazy. That being said, I do remember before I even considered not drinking, years ago, that I would feel weird around people who said they weren't drinking or were planning to get sober. It felt almost threatening, like it was making me think more critically about my drinking. Strange how it works!
Thanks 🫡 yeah I'm the same, as soon as I start drinking it just goes and goes.
You're right about them not being friends. Just surprising really, I wasn't expecting it from them! They were supportive last year, and the year before. Weird.
Thank you for the kind words!
That's wild. Telling you to practice drinking 😂
Literally can't count the number of times I've been told "well maybe just moderate instead of abstaining!"
Damn, well done on keeping sober!
Starting at Day 1 again! A little frustrating for me personally, but it happens. I'm struggling to get sober this year, which is unusual as for the past few years I've done four months straight sober at the start of the year, and didn't really struggle.
I think maybe this year there are some key differences: I've gone through a breakup late last year which is still on my mind, I've not got a solid end date to the sober streak to work towards (hoping it just goes indefinitely), and I've got social events scheduled for Wednesdays which always happen in pubs. I can see from my tracker that I'm always drinking on Wednesdays at the moment, so that's definitely key.
I'll get there, just got to redouble my efforts and maybe approach it a little more smartly. As a side note -- has anybody else found that friends can be surprisingly malicious or unhelpful when you say you want to quit? I've had to argue that I'm worried about my own drinking with two very good friends this week! It's so weird.
Anyway - happy Thursday all!! Hopefully the ends of your weeks are great whether you're working or taking some time off! ✌️🫡 IWNDWYT!
Thank you! Totally with you on the introversion. I've also buried that part of myself massively while I've been drinking these past few years, and it's tough getting back to it when going sober because it makes people think I'm miserable and need to be checked up on and pestered, when really I just want to be left alone 😅
Yeah it's still freezing here too! No plans for the weekend, although I am thinking of walking a few miles to a big historic cathedral to unwind and stay off the phone 😂
Yeah it's been weird this year! The past three years I've done the first four months sober but this year I just can't get off the ground for some reason 😅 well done on not relapsing last time you were in that pub!