What's your definition of bulk?
The disparate replies to this always get me.
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What's your definition of bulk?
The disparate replies to this always get me.
I don't have one because I don't buy weed lol.
I'm not going to pay myself
Not having to buy it doesn't mean you don't have a definition of bulk.
You may not buy in bulk personally, but surely you still have at least a fuzzy idea of what you would consider a bulk purchase.
To me bulk is a pound for trim or at least an oz in flower
An ounce of flower is the daily purchase limit in my state (without a medical card) so that's bulk here
An ounce a day keeps the real life memories at bay
If I buy $40 ounces, who cares how much I use? If I'm getting $100 ounces I have to ration.
My wife doesn't like the smell of the below bottom shelf stuff, so I have to find a happy medium
Damn, that's some cheap weed.
I'm from the Nordics and when since I started smoking in 2005 or something it was already 300-450€ an ounce. In a few years it went up to 600€ an ounce.
Although that's prices for buying like dimebags.
If you actually bought ounces, I'd say between 250-450€ for an ounce. Closer to 400 and 250 you'd get some crappy vacuum packed import.
I can sell a 100g for 1200 easy. If I really wanted the full price I'd could hustle dimebags to get 2k, but those days are long gone I can't be bothered to put in 20x the time to hustle to get less than twice the money.
As a non smoker I have no idea how much that is haha
I'd say an ounce is enough for a light daily smoker for a month.
For a heavy daily smoker it's more than one. I'd say I smoke perhaps 1-3 ounces a month. Rarely on the higher end. More like 1.5 maybe.
But I wouldn't smoke this much if I didn't grow my own. I couldn't afford several hundred a month for weed. Which on the other hand should mean I should be pretty okay if I actually stopped smoking and sold it all. But that's something I don't believe I will be testing anytime soon. I should. But I won't.
Two years ago I got 10 grams of thc diamonds and it's still lasting me
You mean "crystals".
Crystal (or "a crystalline solid") is a type of structure. Diamond is a substance.
Well I mean arguably a shape as well, but I'm assuming your talking about crystalline THC instead of THC pressed into diamond shapes.
It's called diamonds on the store page
Alright. My bad. The nomenclature is all over the place and I'm quite pedantic.