Not sure Doctor Who deserves to be at number 3? It was very shiny with all that Disney money but it wasn't very good.
As for the model needing to change - the UK TV production industry seems to be doing very well at the moment? UK tax incentives are causing a lot of US investment in UK productions and the US industry is less competitive due to arguably over generous terms and conditions for staff. However the UK may be too far in the other direction?
What does definitely need to change is the BBC - in the age of streaming it needs to do less and focus on quality. It's budget is stretched too thin and the TV license has been eroded by inflation for years, and is increasingly toxic. Young people in particular do not see or understand what the License Fee offers them.
A different funding model for the BBC and focusing more on original content is a must. I personally think Sport is a waste of public money - the BBC can't be all things to all people, and should be focusing on news, current affairs and creative output (drama, comedy etc). It should be projecting a unique British voice in the creative arts, not spending millions broadcasting sporting events that are commercial interests and belong to someone else.
Unfortunately the BBC seems too concerned with trying to keep the license fee justified and try and tick boxes to show it does something for everyone at some point. But broadcast TV is slowly dying and younger generations are almost entirely online with YouTube etc. The BBC needs to stop flogging a dead horse and pivot to being a brand primarily associated with quality and trustworthy news rather than try to be all things to all people.