Atheist Memes
A community for the most based memes from atheists, agnostics, antitheists, and skeptics.
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I have a hangnail right now, thanks a lot god
If God is real, then he's a fucking prick that doesn't care about humanity. If rather live in Hell with the angel that cared about me rather than stay with that hypocritical cunt running Heaven.
That's because you're less crab than you should be. Look at the other animals, how they are making an effort to become a crab. That's why there are so many beetles, they are its Holiness messengers and the message is: "Be a crab".
Embrace carcinisation and its Holy pincers.
Thank you. We see Americans out here complaining about their abusive relationships with their presidents but no one willing to leave our ultimate Abuser.
I have yet to say “meh” when children are raped or “meh” when I give them cancer. I should be running this bitch.
Such a sunny meme.