
joined 1 year ago
[–] BassTurd 6 points 13 hours ago

"The Bible is a fictional book written by old men about a pretend wandering magician, selectively published by other biased old men, and it contains 10 commandments that if not obeyed, the magician's father/self/spirit will have you tortured for all eternity because he's unstable. You can pay money and ask for forgiveness to not be tortured though, so it's cool."

Boom, requirement met.

[–] BassTurd 2 points 15 hours ago

All churches should be taxed. There is no valid reason for an exception.

[–] BassTurd 17 points 18 hours ago

Hit the individual, but also pull funds from the department. Make it hurt everyone and maybe they will start hold each other to some semblance of accountability.

[–] BassTurd 2 points 1 day ago

I loath fireworks, but I would drop some cash and blow them up in celebration.

[–] BassTurd 0 points 1 day ago

He didn't pull it to be a child, but he did pull it to be a dumbass, and people remember. His reasoning was idiotic from the start, and it will and should bite him. I'd still take him over any Republican, but I'd almost take any other competent Democrat.

[–] BassTurd 14 points 1 day ago
[–] BassTurd 34 points 3 days ago (2 children)

As cool as it would be to see a big shift to Linux, I think you underestimate how deeply entrenched companies are with Microsoft, so unwilling to change, the lack of support for proprietary software, and probably most importantly, the lack of IT support to manage a Linux environment.

I've been full Arch since December in my personal stuff and have been a Sys Admin+ for 9+ years. I would not say I currently have the skills to effectively administer a Linux environment. I could get there, and there is a lot of overlapping knowledge, like the network stack didn't change, but I don't think I'm an outlier.

I recently switched from being the sole IT guy at a small/medium company so a place with about 2k employees. I have maybe met a couple of people within the company IT that I think could make the switch relatively well, and 70% of others that just don't got it.

Long term it would probably be fine, but that's not how companies work in most cases. I just don't think most places are willing to bite the bullet now to benefit later.

[–] BassTurd 3 points 3 days ago

Nah, by definition, it's a genocide. Exterminating an entire people is genocide.

So you're not a coward, just an ignorant supporter of genocide.

[–] BassTurd 28 points 3 days ago (3 children)

It's a genocide. Call it what it is you coward.

[–] BassTurd 8 points 1 week ago

I was a child of the 90s when I feel this humor was more prevalent. Until now, I always thought of it as a common stereotype, like white guys in khakis, old white women and wine, or country folk and cheap beer. Something that does poke fun of a group, but generally in a light way. Now I know there's a more significant back story. I figured it was just culturally something that developed in black communities.

[–] BassTurd 3 points 1 week ago

The max size of required pants stretch will be the standard size for the right picture, since each leg already wraps half of the tree. That confirms viability at least, so now I think it's down to comfort, and does the stretch retract in a restful position, or does stay all loose and cumbersome?

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