
joined 2 years ago
[–] BassTurd 8 points 14 hours ago

You're both right. It was a Nazi salute, but it wasn't a crisp salute, it was rushed like an excited school boy and was sloppy and a bit skewed. Still 100% a Nazi salute and the meaning doesn't change based on how poorly he did it, just like everything else in his life.

[–] BassTurd 26 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

Never been a better time to end the person breaking into your house.

Best case: you kill a terrorist and get off on self defense.

Likely outcome: you eat a dozen bullets and die.

No defense outcome: you get a free flight to a concentration camp in a country you may or may not have ever been to, you suffer, then you die.

[–] BassTurd 19 points 16 hours ago
[–] BassTurd 1 points 16 hours ago

With your mouth, silly.

[–] BassTurd 3 points 23 hours ago

Yes, someone surviving. Unless you're in our shoes, you can get right off you high horse and fuck off. Big words from someone who's never sacrificed literally everything for almost 0 chance of change.

Hell, the Trump admin could affect you too, why haven't you started popping off conservatives to save the day?

[–] BassTurd 3 points 1 day ago

Roku can die in a fire, so that's fine. I'll need to do a little messing around and see what's up.

[–] BassTurd 0 points 1 day ago (3 children)

I support what Luigi allegedly did 100%, but what change did that bring about and where did he end up? The POTUS is arguably the safest man in the world. Walking up to the Whitehouse to just end it isn't how that works.

It's going to require an organized effort and sacrifice for any chance of success. To add, 30+% of the population supports the current situation, so it's not just one bad apple. Lastly, the majority of Americans have not really been affected yet, so the urgency to sacrifice oneself for an almost 0% chance of success isn't really there.

I'd like to see judges start arresting people carrying out Trump's illegal orders. Might not be able to go after Trump, but not a single one of those other players have the legal protections he has. Make people scared to carry out his orders and maybe less people will be lining up to do so.

[–] BassTurd 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I use tailscale and nzb360 to remotely access my arr suite and Plex, so I'm at least a bit familiar with it. Getting my other users setup with it might be a bit tougher, but not impossible. The fact that it's doable is a good enough jumping off point.

[–] BassTurd 7 points 1 day ago

I missed that part of the article and had a user point it out. Still really dumb of Plex to charge more for something that has little overhead for them, greedy assholes.

[–] BassTurd 2 points 1 day ago

With or without the eye holes?

[–] BassTurd 10 points 1 day ago

I think the main point is that non-republicans are still forced to pay taxes, but the elected official is denying those people representation. If he wants to hold a non-republican only event for equal representation, then that's a really dumb way to do it, but at least is closer to acceptable.

It's the "taxation without representation" thing, not the "blocking a demographic from their private event" thing.

[–] BassTurd 6 points 1 day ago (7 children)

Does Jellyfin have remote play? I've had a lifetime PP for years now, but most of my users don't. I will be installing Jellyfin tomorrow to run parallel until it can be a full replacement, or just forever.

I just was asking someone on here a few weeks back if switching off Plex while already having a PP was worth it. I think the gist was no rush since it's working, but this news is my canary.

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