Hello people,
i have recently purchased an Xbox 360 and it turned out that the drive didn't work at all. Initially i was facing the issue that the tray didn't come out at all. I managed to fix that by cleaning the drive belt.
But now i found out that the drive doesn't read any disc whatsoever.
When i insert a disc, the disc makes some grindy noise, followed by the motor spinning up and turning off again. This pattern repeats 2 more times before the Xbox gives up.
I cleaned the laser lens and performed the pot tweak (i went down to 3 kilo ohms resistance) and so far these measures didn't help.
What i didn't do so far was messing with the puck on the top of the lid (it's still on there so i think i don't need to fix it) and adjusting the laser rails (frankly i don't know how to level it properly).
How can i proceed further to fix this drive?