Yes, it's easy. Download the source code, remove the relevant bits, and recompile it for your platform.
Pixel Dungeon
This community is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions.
1. No hate or adult themes of any kind: NSFW or illegal material, hate speech, personal attacks, harassment, doxxing, bullying, etc. are all strictly forbidden. Crude or offensive language should be kept to a minimum or avoided entirely.
2. Posts must directly relate to Pixel Dungeon: All content posted must directly reference Pixel Dungeon or one of its variants in some form. Loose connections or similar nomenclature from irrelevant works do not count.
3. Do not use other's work without giving credit: You may post things that were created by other people, but you must link to the original and credit the author. AI generated content is prohibited, as crediting the original authors is impossible.
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Earn a new badge: compiled it yourself! Hero programmer unlocked.
@leftascenter @CrayonRosary ah… who wouldn't like to play a class that has no combat relevant specialities, but likes to spend time in dark dungeons nonetheless?
New character: Jeff No abilities or starting items, including t1 weapon/armor. Can't use wands or passively detect traps/secrets (without talisman of foresight). Thrown weapons don't always go exactly where you throw them and have a 5+[excess strength] range limit. Early game gameplay is running around like a chicken with your head cut off until you find a weapon lying on the ground.
Thanks, I hate this.
I swear this was posted verbatim exactly one year ago.
You're complaining about a harmless cute easter egg that changes a simple food item into another food item, for a tiny window of time. Seems kind of silly to worry about it.
Look a this post: Literally the same as this one, but more recent. Thinking that they are all the same person with alts, tbf.
Boo! 👻
Add Faketime to your .desktop for Shattered with a non-holiday date. Be sure to pass
as PD is a Java app.
Thank you. I will look into it.