Thank you piss bandit
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It's pissmaster from rick and Morty!!!
I wasn't laughing until I read that he wrote "HIV positive" on them. Piss can't transmit HIV, this is fucking goofy.
Apropos of nothing, TIL autocorrect likes to make goofy into 'hot'...
A'hyuck my life...
ROFL The affluent have a new arch nemesis, at least he leaves all his pee contained and on display without causing actual harm!
How likely would it be to find DNA in there?
It's very possible that it isn't really piss and just yellow-dyed water. Maybe an artificial piss of sorts.
They used the same conspiracy theory for the Shit Bandit!
If the perp is smart, he'd down a whole bottle of bleach before marking his turf. The bleach will make the piss-DNA essentially untraceable. I imagine it'd only be harmful if he drank ammonia around the same time. Don't do that, kids!
Why would a smart person drink the bleach rather than just pouring some into the bottle?
To kill all the COVID, idiot.
Oh shit, never even thought about that! Thanks, mister!
I read that sentence in my head in a Dwight Schrute voice.
Not the hero we need, but the hero we deserve.
I also just listened to the recent Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend where they discuss this.
My money is on it being Meryl Streep
Fight Club's Guerilla Terrorists piss in the food of elite restaurant instead.