Please please work, be cost effective, be widely available as soon as possible.
Futurology: A space for the discussion of the future of us - the human organism, and the relationship we have with the spaces we may inhabit.
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I freaking hope so.
My joints are doing A-OK. I have freakishly good health for how little I care for my body. This is genetic. But unfortunately not all of my family has the same awesome genetics, because, y'know, we don't dabble in incest. So my partner has way weaker joints despite being a few years younger than me and I hate it because I want to see her happy and healthy for the rest of our hopefully long days together.
If this actually works, it could change our entire future together, because one of her knees is shot and may well require a wheelchair in the future.
After 3 decades and about 30k miles of running I have 2 hips and 2 knees that could use this. I’d be a self-contained A/B test.
Ive been looking at bpc157 lately, its promising but theres not a lot of study going on.
I have a sibling who grew up having 10+ major reconstructive joint surgeries due to congenital issues. That kept them out of a wheelchair, but they were recently told by their current specialist "if you make it to 35 without needing a hip replacement, you and I will high five" (verbatim).
This would be HUGE.
Gods, please
I could be a lot happier getting old if I didn't have worry about bad joints
I'm really sorry that Facebook is the only place that came up when I tried to find this scene: