There are John Cena statues everywhere. Everything that you cannot see.
Fire Memes for Traitor Haters
Where we meme (joking in tone and detail, serious in sentiment) about General Sherman, the Civil War, and how the secesh traitors had it coming.
No bigotry. The Union, or at least the part of the Union WE support, fought AGAINST that shite. We are anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-homophobic, anti-transphobic, and in general anti-bigot here, even if not all the lads in Union blue uniforms were.
No Confederate sympathizing. Anti-democratic racist slaver traitors don't deserve shit.
Follow all rules
I don't like John Cena the tv wrestling character, but I DO like John Cena the human.
I don't know if this still stands, but about 10 years ago he was (is?) the holder of "Most Make-A-Wish wishes granted by a single person".
The man is a good man, and I wouldn't be opposed to them placing a statue on the Make-A-Wish HQ.
He's also got the world record for fulfilling the most Make-A-Wish requests. 650 as of 2022. According to Make-A-Wish, nobody else has ever granted more than 200 (which is laudable in its own right) but it just goes to show you how dedicated he is to his fans. His first was in 2002 so that's an average of 32 requests a year. That's got to be a huge time commitment.
This is so disrespectful. We all know the history here. How can you just insult a major part of our heritage? Someone should teach you a lesson and it might just be me. The Royal Rumble is a proper noun and should be capitalized. Don't make that mistake again.
Why would we build a bunch of statues that no one can see???
maybe there's already statues of him everywhere 🤔
Damn man. You're right, mind=blown
I wish more people remembered how in 1865, Ulysses S. Grant threw Robert E. Lee off Hell in a Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.
Also, did you know John Cena speaks Mandarin? I don't see them confederates doing half of what he does. And you can't even see him!
It's impressive he can speak so well with Chinese leather in his mouth.
Just start an ad campaign about how all those confederates were democrats and the battle flag crowd will fall over themselves to take the statues down.
I mean the horses didn't do anything wrong, how about we just get rid of the soldiers, and leave the horse statues?
I don’t man, how we gonna do the statues. We don’t even know what the guy looks like. We have never seen him.
When people try to make a composite sketch of him it turns out to be potato salad.