Oklahoma πrates go up each year due to tornados, at least that's what they say. Even though i live in a heavily populated area that'll never get hit.
I had to put a new roof on cause of softball sized hail caused by the infamous may 2013 storm that damn near leveled Moore Oklahoma. But other than that, no storm damage ever
That's Donnie's cum bubbles
As a homeowner what weighs me down most is insurance, by a large margin. It keeps increasing while the coverage decreases. It's a huge racket in my opinion
Hashtag #
Bruh this ain't insta
She only has a BA, and essentially next to zero experience in education, minus what you cited.
Ffs, this position should be held with someone that has a doctorate at least. Don't even get me started on oz, he's a Quack capital q..
Is there an option to sleep for 4 years?? I don't mind if they over do it and i end up in a Futurama type situation. I just don't want to see what's about to happen
Me putting new flooring in my whole house right now despite no experience "pfft, I got this" 3 months later and a million youtube videos later "maybe I don't in fact got this" "nah I don't need help"
That left hand Hella funky
This dude is "the boy who called wolf" of world leaders. Putin " I'm gonna nuke you if I don't get my way" vs rest of the world "mmmkay baby putin, you do that"
Slam this, slam that, he slammed her and she slammed him. Hit em with the ole slammed whammy. Yup. Dead. Im soooooo fucking tired of that word. Slammed has lost all meaning to me unless its pertaining to slam dunks in basketball
Exactly why you never give 100%. Never show them everything you got cause they'll only want more
Yeah, kool aid cums in powder and liquid in the US.
Growing up mu mom would do 2 cups of sugar and 2 packets of Kool aid powder in a large pitcher then mix it all up. Super healthy stuff