I don't have any idea who these people are talking about
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I googled it, it's from a hospital show called Who, M.D.
The Doctor is on first
No, he's on second. The Doctor is on first.
Are you sure?
No...the catcher is Sure. Have you not been paying attention?
I don't know.
no sorry. perfection.
Dr. Whomst'dve
Doctor Who.
Amy and Rory were companions to Matt Smith's portrayal of The Doctor.
They got sent back in time to live out their lives under the Angels who thrived off the potential life's people they sent back in time could have lived.
Doctor Who. Matt Smith 11th Doctor episodes. He had friends Amy and Rory that were permanently separated from him. When he sees them, Amy tells him how everything turned out perfect.
The Tumblr post brought up a scene where in an earlier episode a character told Amy "don't show him the damage". This implies that Amy telling the Doctor everything turned out perfect might have been a lie.
Technically he reads it in a book. Timey-Wimey things keep him from going back to see them in person.
I believe the correct technical term is ”Timey-Wimey …. Stuff”?
The pause is important.