
joined 2 years ago
[–] glimse 1 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Because you're just wasting your time lol

A lot of otherwise reasonable people got swept up in this for one reason or another. There's no saving some of them but you're not gonna win anyone over by lying to them

[–] glimse 1 points 4 hours ago (3 children)

"Did he say he wants us to be scammed? There must be a reason this that we don't understand"

Now what? You don't have a reason he would want that and they know it.

You don't get these people on our side by making shit up and giving them reasonable outs

[–] glimse 1 points 5 hours ago (5 children)

It actually matters quite a lot because some of them are going to ask why and you're not going to have an answer, thereby accomplishing nothing but emboldening them

[–] glimse -2 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

Ah, my favorite kind of poster.

One who posts a self-congratulatory "question" to a group who obviously isn't going to read it and then never replies to any of the comments.

[Edit] downvote all you want but this wouldn't be the first time OP didn't recognize any of the answers

[–] glimse 2 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

This reminds me of that greentext about British names for things

My face when Americans call a rooty tooty point-n-shooty a "gun"

My face when Americans call a bubble and squeak "reheated leftovers"

[–] glimse 2 points 7 hours ago

They only have to be cheaper for deep drilling which is what's currently prohibitively expensive - traditional drilling is still used for half the job.

It's very, very new technology but they have to start somewhere. The rest of geothermal (running the power plant itself) is figured out but a drilling deeper brings significantly more power

[–] glimse 7 points 8 hours ago

No they fuckin wouldn't, what the hell?

You think a bunch of neonazis are gonna be mad at the guy promoting Nazism?

[–] glimse 13 points 9 hours ago (2 children)

Nobody's breaking in because they know the smell will be overpowering

[–] glimse 4 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

Quite a dark one here, Gary

[–] glimse 4 points 12 hours ago

How do you know you'll die in 38 years?

[–] glimse 26 points 12 hours ago (3 children)

What MMO has you "join[ing] the closest game"

[–] glimse 159 points 12 hours ago (5 children)

This is an incredible shitpost. Every lemmy-specific meme so far has felt forced and lame but this one is a thing of beauty.


Example comment

It renders correct in a browser but all the line breaks are replaced with a weird symbol in the app.

Not a big deal or anything but I wanted to share!


~~None of them do anything~~

Now they do! If you're getting the same issues, update to the newest beta

Going into the office today (self.dull_mens_club)
submitted 1 month ago by glimse to c/dull_mens_club

I have a "flexible" WFH schedule which means I'm almost always working from home. Today, I've been lured in with an NDA breakfast with a manufacturer.

So you know what that means: 1 hour of "yum I love breakfast sandwiches" followed by 6 hours of "why did I think that would be worth the drive?"


My friends and I were active Twitter users up until it got sold and the only reason my account isn't deleted already is because I have a LOT of memories there.

I looked into downloading the tweets.js archive but that seems to be only what I wrote, not the original tweet if it's a reply. Having the full conversations that led to in-jokes is what I'm after!

I understand why this would be very complicated and to add to that, half of our profiles are set to private so The Way Back Machine and other public services won't work. Media would be nice but it's not a requirement.

Does something like this exist?


The bolts for the handle prevent going from top to bottom in one motion across the whole door so I had to adapt. Over time, I've become pretty good at removing all the water to prevent streaks when it dries even on the sleepiest of mornings.

Gaslit about beans (self.nowhereelsetoshare)
submitted 2 months ago by glimse to c/[email protected]

I saw a post referencing Lemmy's "obsession with beans" and it made me think of this.

Despite narwhals and bacon becoming something you say sarcastically to make fun of redditors for the past 10+ years, some users here tried to make "beans" the Lemmy equivalent and for a week or two, half the posts here were about beans....then it thankfully stopped.

Since then I've seen a handful of bean references but a significantly larger amount of references to bean references.

Beans were a blip in the Lemmy timeline and i's like gaslit us into thinking Lemmy is actually obsessed with beans. The posts/comments get upvoted but...where are the beans?

Just thought that was kinda funny.


Today I was reading about a band I hadn't heard of (Republic of Loose) and thought the singer looked like someone I had seen in a music video for another band.

In this video, the actor in question is laying on his back with the ocean under him (as if filmed off the edge of a ship). I believe it was made recently.

This is Mick (Mik?) Pyro:

He doesn't totally look like the guy I'm trying to find but close enough to make me remember the video.

It is NOT Matt Berry. The actor I'm thinking of has short hair.

This is really stupid but when I first saw the video, I thought it was the guy from that old Hugh Mungus video:

What is the name of this actor?? It's driving me crazy!


And yes, they did.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by glimse to c/dull_mens_club

He stayed at my sister's yesterday so he and her dog (his brother) could get the crazies out before family comes over. A smart move but I missed him more than I thought I would.


Pretty much everything I've seen so far has been uncredited reposts from YouTube/Vine/TikTok. Is there anyone consistently uploading original content yet?

The web interface doesn't let you click on anything so I can't see profiles but I don't want to download it and set up an account if it's all cropped versions of stuff I've seen before


I didn't mind it last time we had this one because I was still doing baby dunfeons but boy do I hate it now. Ran a couple keys last night and the affix fucked us at least once per run. Besides the obvious bugs like orbs getting stuck in unreachable locations (on the ship in dawnbreaker, between the walkways in grim batol), we also had orbs spawn during Speaker Dorlita's Blazing Crescendo in Stonevault both times we ran it.

I thought last week's was the worst because the add spawned at the end of so many fights but I think I hate this one more.

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