Hell yeah! Those look amazing, how were they? Any changes you’d make if you made them again?
Bready is a community for anything related to making homemade bread!
Bloomers, loafs, flatbreads, rye breads, wheat breads, sourdough breads, yeast breads - all fermented breads are welcome! Vienesse pastries like croissants are also welcome because technically they're breads too.
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Make the recipe 10% or 20% more. It fit a 8x8 but not well.
Try AP flour instead of bread. It was good, but I'm just curious.
Try the whole egg in the dough instead of just yolk. I don't know much about why sometimes yolk alone or not.
Crumble topping maybe. The cream cheese is good, but I like crumble stuff better usually.
Cut back on the lemon. It's really strong. I didn't measure it well, just put a dash in, but it was a lot. The blueberry was second place and I'd like to taste it more.
Thanks for the OP and the tips.
Dang those look tasty
I have a box of peaches. Think i could use those?
Yes. Blend them into a puree, use same amount as blueberries. Probably blanch the skins off.
I am so fucking envious of whoever got to eat those
Waow 🥹