
joined 1 year ago
[–] Today 1 points 16 minutes ago

This 1000%. Even with the death rattle, he's the only one that actually answered any questions.

[–] Today 1 points 22 minutes ago

I was hoping Joe would faint and trump would explode last night. Then we could start over.

[–] Today 2 points 23 minutes ago

I didn't hear any ideas or concepts. It was the same Trump ranting that he's the best and Biden is the worst. The mods kept asking him if he wanted to answer the questions.

[–] Today 1 points 40 minutes ago

I do that because I'm bad with names and faces and it helps me remember who people are. I still won't recognize you, but i will remember that i talked to MoN about using names in 1:1 conversations.

[–] Today 1 points 42 minutes ago

I thought it was a warning... Be careful or your bike will end up in this shape.

[–] Today 2 points 47 minutes ago (1 children)

They were bought by someone - i don't remember who, but i remember being disappointed when i read it. Glad they're providing more benefits for their people. Hope that's real.

[–] Today 12 points 1 hour ago (3 children)

Trump didn't answer a single question with anything other than, "I'm rubber; you're glue." Biden was stumbly but he at least answered questions and you 90% knew what he was talking about.

[–] Today 1 points 1 hour ago

I'm not sure what that means. I believe he died last summer.

[–] Today 27 points 10 hours ago (5 children)

It was not a great night, but can it really be called a loss when the other guy refused to answer any questions?


I know people will say anyone, but realistically, if you could hand pick our next President, who would you choose? Who do you think could win?

[–] Today 4 points 11 hours ago (2 children)

Suburbanite eggs? I hate that elitest shit! Also, didn't Mark Russell die last year?

[–] Today 3 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

You could make a different account for each category. Would be kind of clunky having to switch when you want to read each category.

[–] Today 2 points 15 hours ago

Someone commented the other day that they thought their ex was following then and down voting every comment. I do sometimes see posts or comments with one downvote and wonder why.

Space Monkey Mafia (self.fakebandnames)
submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by Today to c/fakebandnames
Sorting comments (self.jerboa)

Where's the button to set default comment sorting?


I popped into r/ today to read about furniture and now I'm feeling kinda dirty. Maybe i should donate to lemmy as penance.


I got a good deal on some pecan and i was planning to use it to build patio furniture. I don't know much about pecan and I'm having trouble finding much info about it. Is this a good wood for outdoor use or should i find an indoor project for it?


Cleaning out my mom's house. I hate to trash things that may be useful to someone else and some of it's probably worth some $$. I've used Facebook marketplace a couple of times. I've heard of OfferUp and LetGo but haven't used them. Where will i get the best response and $? Should i just pile it all up and do an online estate sale instead? TIA. Also, if anyone has done this and has any general tips, please share.


My 10 year old pup is going blind. We've been in the same house for most of her life and she's doing ok, but I'm worried it's going to get more difficult for her. She's not the smartest, but she can sit, lie down, and shake on command. I've read several articles about scent training but would like to get tips from someone who has done it. I'm thinking of using 4 different scents for bed, toys, stairs, and food/water - i know she can smell the food, but i want to make sure she can find the water bowl when she's outside. Is that too many?

One article recommended marking a path on the floor/ground so she knows where there's a clear route. Another suggested marking furniture/obstacles so she knows where to avoid.

If you have any experience with this and can offer tips, i would appreciate it. Also, if you want to share any happy stories about your VI pets, i would love to hear them. It's heartbreaking to see her misjudge the doorway or bonk into things.

political polls (self.asklemmy)
submitted 3 weeks ago by Today to c/asklemmy

Have you ever been asked to participate in a political poll? Do you know of anyone who has?

Holiday family tip (self.highdeas)
submitted 1 month ago by Today to c/highdeas

No talkie - no trouble.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Today to c/showerthoughts

Edit to clarify that by 'snuggle' i meant all pets, scritches, belly rube, squeezes, ass pats, questions about who's the goodest, nicknaming, etc.

What to watch? (self.asklemmy)
submitted 1 month ago by Today to c/asklemmy

Sick and feel like I've hit the end of Netflix, Prime, ... Is there a community about what everyone is streaming/recommending?

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