I swear it's like my wife and kids intentionally waits until I sit down to ask for stuff
Dad Jokes
This is a community for sharing those cheesy “dad” jokes that invoke an eye roll or chuckle.
- Clean jokes only please. If you cannot tell this joke to a 5-year-old, you probably shouldn’t post it here. Please post edgier jokes to [email protected]
- Must post text, image (e.g., meme), or direct link. Do not post external links that cannot be viewed directly from the community (e.g., link to joke website, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
- Follow Lemmy.World Code of Conduct
Or walking out of the room.
Maybe just me but Where’s the joke? Maybe change ‘it’s unbelievable’ to ‘i won’t stand for it’. Or add to the beginning ‘you may wanna sit down for this’
Actually I think the 'it’s unbelievable' should just be removed.
It's not just you, there are many down votes.
The joke - at least for me - is that as long as you are childless you don't know about it. Then once you have children it's just something which is happening to you unconsciously. And then someone writes it down and you read it and you think to yourself: 'wait a minute, that's so true, I do that all the time but nobody talks about it!'
It's soo healthy for your old creaking bones
Bah, just need to oil them up with vaseline.
This is literally a dad joke. Bravo.