
joined 11 months ago
[–] NeoNachtwaechter 2 points 9 hours ago

Oh, well, then, ...

[–] NeoNachtwaechter 0 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

harm to their reputation

Do you mean, people using keyboards do harm a keyboard vendor's reputation?

Can I ask you a math question?

What is hypocrisy to the power of hypocrisy?

[–] NeoNachtwaechter 34 points 10 hours ago (10 children)

have a small backup battery

As far as I understand, that 12V battery was that backup...

[–] NeoNachtwaechter 5 points 17 hours ago

defence of companies


"Let us defend our parasites who suck our blood, because they are ours!"

[–] NeoNachtwaechter 16 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago) (2 children)

inept and childish

I can't help the impression that it is just part of the show. Like a fine-tuned act of weaponized incompetence.

[–] NeoNachtwaechter 1 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago)

I didn't mean money that they spend for fun. Not at all.

I meant real needs. This means a different (very unusual) point of view regarding salary.

For example, businesses are already required to spend extra money if there is a worker with special needs = disabilities. The company must provide a special chair in the office, extra tools, whatever. Such a person might also have more extra needs with his normal expenses for living.

[–] NeoNachtwaechter 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)


You'd better call the Ghostbusters.

[–] NeoNachtwaechter -2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

That doesn't mean nothing can work however

But yes, it does.

[–] NeoNachtwaechter 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

A nice dream, but only a dream.

Unfortunately man is not perfect enough for it to work. Therefore the outcome can be nothing else than a huge threat for mankind.

[–] NeoNachtwaechter 1 points 1 day ago

I don't think anyone can expect they can achieve

I wasn't talking about achieving, but only about wanting.

[–] NeoNachtwaechter 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)

what other groups pay for those skills, which is not what I want.

Why not, and what would be your 'just' criteria instead?

A totally different kind of 'just' approach would be to find out what your workers need for living, and pay them that.

[–] NeoNachtwaechter 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I don't think they know what they want

What would YOU want if you were a military leader of Israel there? (NOT a political one, just a soldier)

I think that they want exactly that. A military goal, not a political one.

For example "kill everybody there who takes a weapon and aims it at Israel, and then take this weapon away from his corpse."


Warum leuchtet meine LED-Glühbirne weiter, wenn sie ausgeschaltet ist?

Ich habe nun fast alle Glühbirnen und Energiesparlampen durch LED ersetzt. Gestern habe ich eine 4W Filament-LED frisch vom ALDI reingeschraubt, wo vorher noch eine echte alte 40W Glühbirne war.

Sie geht wunderbar, wenn sie an ist. Aber wenn sie aus ist, leuchtet sie mit gefühlt 1/10 Helligkeit weiter, auch nach Stunden noch.

Die alte Glühbirne hat das nicht gemacht.

Das würde ich gern verstehen. Wie kann das sein?

(Bitte keine Ratschläge wie "Fachmann holen" gähn).


Domains mit Umlauten / Sonderzeichen wurden vor vielen Jahren erfunden, und vermutlich würden sie längst überall funktionieren. Trotzdem sieht man sie nirgends. Wie kommt das?


Die Bank schickt mir heute die neuen Karten. Jetzt ganz ohne "EC" bzw. "maestro". Nur "girocard" ist aufgedruckt.

Ich frage mich, ob man damit weiterhin überall bezahlen kann?

Und: gibt es bei irgendeiner anderen Bank noch weiter das maestro-Verfahren? Oder stirbt es jetzt ganz?


The comment survived all my attempts :-)

Is there something I could have done wrong, or is it simply broken?


Nachdem ich nun zweimal billig gekauft habe und die Dinger immer viel zu bald aufgegeben haben :-(, suche ich nun etwas Solides, was mir hoffentlich länger gute Dienste leisten soll.

Wer hat einen Tip für mich?


Where can I see may saved 'drafts' in the app, and delete obsolete ones?




Sometimes I am able to copy text for quoting, sometimes it does not work.

Using the Android app, latest release.

How are you doing it?


What alternative to 'postman' do you like the most for simply testing a bunch of REST services?


Has anyone else seen this when trying to post a comment?

The sub's language was English, my comment was English, too.

How can I fix it?

I have tried changing the language on my Android, but it did not fix the problem.

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