I thought I would be smart, and brought the shield generator to keep out the shriekers. Yeah, that only blocks projectiles, and the shriekers flew right through it...
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I tried the shield generator too and was equally bummed it didn't stop Shriekers. I feel like they should just donk off of it.
shriekers suck more than stalkers.
The meta that is appearing seems to be smoke and ems strikes to obscure and disable rather than a straight kill.
Then use the incendiary breaker to clear up the mess.
I'd say tesla towers as well but they also suck
I think I need to sit down and farm out super credits on some difficulty 1-3 missions so I can buy the Steeled Veterans war bond to get the breaker incendiary
It's so fucking good on bugs. Just don't hit your teammates
I got 550 kills on that mission using Tesla Towers last night. Next closest person was at 180. I don't think they kill Shriekers well, but damn do they go hard on this mission.
How many were your fellow divers HOW MANY!
At least a half dozen
This is one of the few missions where they shine.
Yeah... I was .. surprised.
Super cool way to end a mission though! Made it way harder than a normal extract.
It was absolute chaos and I loved it. Brought a Gatling sentry by chance and it was dropping them constantly, but not fast enough. Had an incendiary breaker, but it could barely keep up with them. Constantly spraying with the exosuit dropped more until they destroyed it. It was one of the most intense swarms I’ve ever seen, 10/10.
I made the mistake of bringing a Blitzer as my primary the first time I did it. Those little lightning bolts don't do shit against Shriekers.
Tip for the Shriekers: At the extraction point, there's a huge pillar that's in the very center of the map. If your team stands right up against this pillar with their backs to it, the Shriekers will not be able to divebomb you. I don't know if this works with every wall that you can back yourself up against, but it definitely works on this tower structure in the center of the map. Everything on the ground will still reach you here, so on difficulties where you have Chargers and Bile Titans coming at you, this strat won't do any good. But at level 4 and under, this is a very easy way to get everybody onto the Pelican.
giggles in Gatling sentry
It was a fun follow up to the tunnels spawning directly under the drills!
Yeah had a couple times where a Bile Titan just spawned right on the drill, killing it immediately. It was some bullshit, but still kind of funny.
I hate Shriekers. Only takes 2-3 hits to kill you with a swarm of 50 on your ass, you can’t really take cover other than dodging, and you can’t dial the extraction without dying if they’re coming for you.
I also hate that I can’t close a bug breach with a grenade.
It’s like the devs don’t play their own game.
Being prone actually helps a lot against Shriekers. I personally thought this mission was really well done by the devs. I was only playing on level 7 though, maybe it's impossible at higher levels?
I've played it at least a half dozen times at level 7 and as long as the chargers and bile titans don't spawn in under the drills multiple times it is manageable.
If they kept chargers and bile titans from spawning into the drill and insta-killing and fixed the fliers in lower levels it would be awesome.
I play on Helldive but I’ve been busy for a couple days, I haven’t played this newfangled mission but I will tomorrow and report back
Alright, update. Took me two tries to beat it with randoms, wasn’t as bad as I expected. Gatling sentry puts in the WORK. I ran Gatling sentry, auto cannon sentry, cluster bomb and EATS.
For extract I threw down my Gatling and stayed near it, prone. That negated most of the problems from the flybois and let me focus on taking down chargers. Autocannon sentry worked wonders on the biles, just gotta get the placement.
I also had some good team mates so I’m sure that helped. I had the second most kills at 234 and the top was 245
I played one last night for the first time. We did not manage to extract...
Extract is optional as long as you complete the mission, soldier!
Sadly i cant play those, i literally can't see shit on these dark foggy maps. Completely pointless, same reason why I only do daytime missions if at all possible.
I accidentally crushed a guy on reinf because I couldn't see him in the fog. After I reinforced him he killed me, reinforced me, and then kicked me :(
Oh wow, that's a dick move lol
I even apologized and everything :((
I'm so sorry that happened to you, I feel the community really has gone downhill recently
You did nothing wrong man, fuck that guy
Increase your monitor brightness and contrast ?
That's how the game was on launch for me, but I feel like they've significantly improved it since then. There are still sometimes where you can't see something due to fog or whatever - especially if there's a spore spewer, but it feels much more intentional to me than just "can't see shit".
I had the same issue until I completely disregarded their "adjust until the skull is barely visible" and just blasted my eyes with contrast