Okay but has anyone ever mixed up these two? Like I always thought prone was clear on what it meant, even thoughI just learned about supine.
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Same. English isn't my first language, but I've only ever heard "prone" used to mean second pose
i learned because of the pronebone subreddit '-'
This is me, except with the words "discrete" and "discreet".
Does this mean women lay vrogine?
Face down ass up
That's the way we like to talk
Lay on your proner
In this context, "prostrate" is super confusing.
it's the opposite of "contrastrate"
Someone said, how they think of a body in a pine box from western movies. Supine: pine box.
Pronis!? They made a Penis Pro!?
Johnny Sins has entered the chat
As an FPS gamer I never screw these up