I will admit to doing this once. The guy was not helpful the whole mission and then killed me and my friends intentionally as we were boarding the shuttle. Not with an air strike or something like that, with his weapon, one at a time. I think he deserved it.
Helldivers 2
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I joined my first game last night, joined some random planet which had one guy on it. The guy finished the mission like a minute after I landed, and was waiting for extraction when I ran over and tried to salute him as I'd learned in tutorial. But I accidentally threw a grenade right at him, killing him. I got kicked. I deserved it.
The other day some rando dropped into my game, killed me, and then refused to reinforce me. Absolutely infuriating. Why play online?
Don't forget to report these jerks...
you can still kick them and then you auto drop.
Lol, I've never played this game but I fully sympathize with your retained resentment.
Huge reason why I don't play games with open lobbies.
You can always make the lobbies yourself
This just happened to me last night. I hope he falls into deep water carrying a lot of samples.
Happened to me yesterday as well. It would have been enough XP for my promotion to Skull Admiral as well so it double stung.
I died and it bugged where I couldn't get dropped back in. They spent 17 minutes completing the missions and then kicked me right when the ship landed.
Sons of bitches
How does one make one's way to SUPER HELL?
When you drop one pod directly on top of another.
This happened to me last night. Wasted a good 20 min