You're thinking Fast and Furious 7 "Fate of the Furious"
Thanks for the reminder, I need to install the rest of mine and my shutoff valve and start testing the automations
A good number of places also will sell "gravy bread" which is just the roll dipped in beef gravy (juice).
I prefer dipped, but wet is acceptable. When it is dry the roll can give too much resistance. Beef, hot, dipped..... now I'm hungry
I have an aqara temp/humidity sensor in my AMS. The hygrometer (rectangular type) shows 10% and aqara shows 19%.
I've also just been using the hygrometer as a binary if it is > 10% then I change media.
Typing all this up made me realize I need to just set an alert for the aqara to just tell me if it jumps above 20%.
Mattingly I thought I told you to shave those sideburns
She looks like more of a miracle whip enjoyer to me. The sugar fuels her hate.
CEO General Major Webelo Zap Brannigan?
He also sends Lisa over to investigate. It is the Simpsons parody of the movie Rear Window, I believe.
I'm sad every day that Google Play Music is gone.
Are you using subtitle sync in bazarr? I don't use jellyfin, but have found that bazarr has fixed most of my subtitles that were not in sync just by enabling the option. I think it's CPU intensive though, so don't do the whole library at once.
Thank you, I know I have more homework to do on this before I make a final decision, but the more info the better.
I've looked into it.l briefly. Did you have any issues switching? I'm concerned about how some apps I need would function.