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Nintendo Switch cartridge based games have a file that's unique to each individual cartridge. The dumper and accompanying flash cart make use of that file. If Nintendo detects two people playing while connected to the internet with the "same" cartridge, there's a high chance of them banning both consoles. So any used game anyone buys after this point runs the risk that someone dumped it, maybe an old owner who resold, maybe someone who bought and returned it, etc, which means even a legitimate user who hasn't even heard of the flash cart could get banned. There's also the potential issue of people using the tech in the flash cart once people figure out how to use those chips to sell bootlegged reproduction cartridges that have the same issue
Nintendo Switch cartridge based games have a file that’s unique to each individual cartridge. The dumper and accompanying flash cart make use of that file. If Nintendo detects two people playing while connected to the internet with the “same” cartridge, there’s a high chance of them banning both consoles. So any used game anyone buys after this point runs the risk that someone dumped it, maybe an old owner who resold, maybe someone who bought and returned it, etc, which means even a legitimate user who hasn’t even heard of the flash cart could get banned. There’s also the potential issue of people using the tech in the flash cart once people figure out how to use those chips to sell bootlegged reproduction cartridges that have the same issue
Oh wow, so they've poisoned the used market for Switch games. That's disappointing.
Was technically possible to dump the unique cert with a modded Switch prior to this so even used games bought before could technically be impacted, but there was no real reason to do so since modded Switches and emulators would work just fine without it. Since it's required to use the flash cart this dumper is a companion to the risk goes up dramatically
Mmh… I suspect doing this is not legal in Europe as second hand have enforced laws.
Other laws like this (I suspect second hand Steam game licence) have been voted to protect customers from such behavior (in the mindset that customer don’t have to pay for company for having bad protection system).
We will see how Nintendo will react.
Nintendo knows the PR hit for penalizing innocent customers would be pretty bad.
If a card ID is used by only two people I would expect it to be ignored, or if a device ID is only associated with one dupe card I would expect that to be ignored.
It's the devices that use multiple dupe cards or the card IDs that are used by thousands of people that will get banned.
It will be interesting to see where they draw the line but its unlikely that they want too many false positives.
That would be the way one would expect Nintendo to react. but then again, it's Nintendo, so who knows.
Man, games are having so many hurdles and barriers to jump just to play that I'm on the edge of giving up completely.
This problem did also exist on the 3DS but with the difference that you need a modded 3DS to copy the game. We can do nothing other than wait for Nintendo to respond to the first ban that happens because of identical certs.
This guy makes great content. This vid made me subscribe.
I didn't even think about the risk of duplicate certificates and Nintendo's adverse reaction to it. Quite concerning.
I buy almost all games used. Moving forward, I think I'll have to buy new or via discounted digital download code. MiG Switch (Russian owned) probably didn't even think or care about that impact to the market.
But the idea of playing my own carts on PC via the adapter is quite appealing. I don't want to give this company any money but would love to play my own cartridges with improved performance.