I need to get helldivers at some point. Currently just swapping between Street Fighter 6 and Rocket League.
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You won't regret it if you have a good friend base to play with
I need some third shift people to play with.
I only have 1 IRL friend I play with. Most of my other friends I made in the game. I just hop on mic and headset, make sure my house isn't noisy and that I'm not giving any annoying feedback into the mic (like breathing, eating chips, or TV feedback) and just play for fun. When people talk back on mic, or type in chat, or play as a team, I shoot them a friend request. Eventually I have built up about 10 or so solid folks who I can hop in with anytime, and who hop in with me when I'm playing. It's a blast!
Helldivers 2 too.
Honestly if i have friends playing it its a great hangout game and could play for years
Same here. I don't know how I'm going to play any other games. Maybe if I can finally fully unlock everything I could see myself taking a short break, but it's so much fun. And the meta narrative is really cool. The TCS missions were awesome, and it's funny too. I still laugh at unexpected team or self kills. Or calling in a 500kg on yourself because you're getting ganked by hunters lol.
I also like how they reworked the civilian evac missions to be more open and less like the exterminate missions. Excited to see what comes next on the bot front, mutated bugs, mysterious blue lasers, etc
When I'm not packing? Ace Combat 7. Finally finished Alan Wake 2 which is definitely in my top 5 games of all time.
I need to play Alan Wake 2 also. Did you play the first one first or just hop right into 2?
I started to play the first one years ago, and started with the free PS+ remaster, but I couldn't get into it years ago or recently. Dunno why. But Alan Wake 2 hooked me pretty quickly and never let go.
I 100% bought it for the musical section ONLY and have replayed that section a bunch. But getting to it? I ended up so loopy and lost and confused and invested.... SO FUCKING GOOD. Not better than Control (for me) but goddamn it is it close. Like 3rd and 4th favorite games of all time close.
Pentiment ! On the advice of someone from Lemmy. Good game some far ! The story is good, well documented. I'm in the Act III (i think it's the last one)
Saw screen shots of it and it looks good. Thanks for the heads up.
god of war ghost of sparta
I am thinking of starting Helldivers 2 soon. Was going to buy it this weekend, but then realised my PS+ is expiring in a week, and I am not sure if I want to renew it, or at which tier.
The price hike with my reduced gaming time, I am not sure if it's worth it for me now. And I don't really play online games in general (son plays Fortnite but that works without PS+).
So, waiting a bit until I finally figure that out, will buy it after that. Assuming I do renew my PS+ sub.
I spent the last few months going through the Extra catalog so I got my fill from that for now. I'll be downgrading to Essential next month.
Well, I don't have any issue with Extra library, there are lots of games there that I want to play, but again, with the time I get these days, most of them just leave before I even get around to them.
I am leaning towards downgrading to Essential too. This will allow me to still access my huge PS+ monthly games library/backlog and play any online games I want. Not to mention keep features like save backups.
Unicorn Overlord.
Still working my way through FF7 Rebirth and loving every minute so far.
What the golf? It's amazing. It's a golf game but it's not. Every level is different and fun, and there's so much content!
I played thisbon the switch. It's great!