That's a broad definition of summer
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It even includes the entire concept of fall
I'm really not sure if I want to watch fairy tail 100 year quest or not. I liked fairy tail and reading the manga for 100 year quest, but I kinda feel it will become mostly fan service shots. Even the manga is basically fan service with lots "sexy girl" panels. Which is sad, as I like the idea of the story.
Well at least two or three episodes won't hurt I guess.
:o I didn't even know they were making a tower of god season 2, hype
Is Daima just GT all over again?
No, it's a new story where Goku and friends turn small
Well, Toriyama IS dead now...
I happened across the Kaiju No. 8 manga two years ago. While it's not a never-seen-before concept, it kept me engaged until the last published issue (at the time). Definitely going to check that one out.
Slime is one of my favorite isekai. Even with all the genocide it's just too wholesome.
Releasing belongs to anime? What?
Did Fairy Tale ever get good?
It felt too cliché for me.
Irish Naruto
Long shounen action series tend to live or die on character arcs and the quality of the fight scenes. I don't recall Fairy Tail's fight scenes as being exceptional for the genre, so if the characters didn't grab you fairly early, then it wasn't the show for you. 🤷