And thus, the only reason companies want to return to office.
Work from home will kill their commercial building investments. WoNt sOmEoNe tHiNk oF ThE PoOr, HaRdWoRkInG CeOs
And thus, the only reason companies want to return to office.
Work from home will kill their commercial building investments. WoNt sOmEoNe tHiNk oF ThE PoOr, HaRdWoRkInG CeOs
Oh no, not the banks!
Btw, the banks holding corporate property loans might not all be JPMorgan Chase Citigroup Wells Sachs, but none of them are the kind of "Mom & Pop's Savings and Loans" type ones that Powell's trying to evoke here.
These are multi-billion dollar businesses and most of them wouldn't hesitate for a second if fucking someone over would net them a $5 profit.
Good - they knew the "risks" of their "investment"
They knew that a global pandemic, the likes of which we haven't seen for over 100-years, would hit, causing a mass exodus from the business office? Really smart guys apparently.