
joined 1 year ago
[–] breadsmasher 3 points 1 hour ago (3 children)

I think it’s a good idea in principle. It will likely upset a subset of people no matter how you slice it. If someone’s favourite source is on the list, they’ll decry the list as being “anti-chosen world view”

[–] breadsmasher 2 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

I lucked out - was on the wait list just before covid, and seemingly covid stopped the tests and worked through the waitlist instead.

I was diagnosed and prescribed after waiting 1.5 years. Now it seems people are expected to wait over double that.

No wonder there has been a boom in private healthcare diagnosis

[–] breadsmasher 15 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

absolutely me this week … month

[–] breadsmasher 1 points 6 hours ago
[–] breadsmasher 7 points 16 hours ago (3 children)

but isn’t it women applying this label to men? its not like men are suddenly deciding to promote some new type of man

[–] breadsmasher 5 points 16 hours ago (2 children)

This sort of headline will only become more frequent

[–] breadsmasher 8 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

Well, yes. Reforms only hope to come to power is there being enough hateful racist idiots to vote for them

[–] breadsmasher 14 points 17 hours ago

the very few who have the wealth and power to raise all of humanity, instead choose to hoard it.

their behaviour and actions will be the eventual end of humanity

[–] breadsmasher 2 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

I wasn’t aware the sim card had anything to do with connection speed? I thought the sim card was effectively just an authentication token

[–] breadsmasher 39 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

Handbrake was my goto, unsure if its still recommended

[–] breadsmasher 4 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago) (1 children)

What part of the dungeon are you in? Have you reached the top, and jumped?

part as in, sections youve made it through

[–] breadsmasher 3 points 22 hours ago

The joke is that the guy spent his entire life savings on … this

Strands #111 (
submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by breadsmasher to c/[email protected]

As someone who is not american, I massively struggled with this one

One. Single. Word. exists in the UK, and the rest are entirely nonexistent afaik

Strands #112
“Fine diners”


Im watching the Panorama airing, decided to check out what this scumbag school had to say for themselves. Their statement is infuriating

An undercover investigator failed in her basic safeguarding duties to report significant concerns and had she have done so on day one there would be no television programme

You have ran this school for years, what the fuck

As a team of highly respected education specialists we see no justification whatsoever allowing such incidents to continue; the safeguarding of the children should have come first rather than a television show


had it been reported like you say, it would have been brushed under the rug

Shut this school down. Jail these cunts.


cross-posted from:

Conservatives Quickly Turn Against “Idiot” Marjorie Taylor Greene

The Georgia Republican is fast falling out of favor for her opposition to the Ukraine aid bill.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s failed fight to end aid to Ukraine, and her sort-of-serious crusade against House Speaker Mike Johnson, has cost her the support of right-wing media.

The Sunday front page of the New York Post, owned by the conservative Murdoch family, was the latest outlet to attack Greene, invoking the “Moscow Marjorie” nickname coined by former representative Ken Buck.

Fox News, another arm of the Murdoch media empire, had already taken aim at the Georgia Republican last week, with columnist Liz Peek calling her an “idiot” and saying she needs to “turn all that bombastic self-serving showmanship and drama queen energy on Democrats.” This follows an editorial last month from The Wall Street Journal, also in the Murdoch portfolio, that called Greene “Rep. Mayhem Taylor Greene” and accused her and her allies of being “most interested in TV hits and internet donors.” 

Even a non-Murdoch outlet is on the attack, as conservative Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist Debra Saunders demanded to know “who put Marjorie Taylor Greene in charge?”

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by breadsmasher to c/[email protected]

downvoters I assume are people who still think brexit was a good idea


Thanks, Brexit.


cross-posted from:

House Conservatives Threaten to Block FISA Renewal

  • A faction of the US House Republican majority is threatening to block the renewal of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which allows the government to collect Americans' communications if they're connected to foreigners abroad. FOX News (LR: 4 CP: 4)
  • Those opposed to the bill, including GOP Reps. Matt Gaetz and Anna Paulina Luna of Florida and Tim Burchett of Tennessee, are particularly focused on including a warrant requirement to conduct such surveillance. The Hill
  • The FISA database, which many progressive Democrats also oppose, was reportedly improperly searched by the FBI 278K times over several years. However, the FBI and US Dept. of Justice say it's critical for combating drug smuggling, cybercrime, and cross-border crime.
  • While Pres. Joe Biden wants it reauthorized, former Pres. Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee for 2024, said to "kill it" because, he alleged, it was "illegally used" to spy on his campaign. However, it was Title I of FISA that the FBI used to improperly spy on Trump campaign advisor Carter Paige. Forbes (LR: 3 CP: 5)
  • If Democrats vote against the renewal, Republicans can only afford to lose two members to win a majority. The Hill

Pro-establishment narrative:

  • Section 702 has been a crucial tool for law enforcement and there are more than enough FBI policies to ensure the government can fight crime while safeguarding Americans' privacy. A warrant requirement, however, would prevent the government from efficiently doing this and put national security at risk.

Establishment-critical narrative:

  • In addition to leaving out a warrant requirement, this bill expands the government's Section 702 capabilities — making it too easy to violate citizens' right to privacy. Surveillance hawks seem determined to end privacy in America as we know it.
submitted 2 months ago by breadsmasher to c/dachshund

This community had recently had its only mod banned for hatespeech/transphobia. I would like to request moderation control of this community.



Im so glad we left the EU so we could negotiate trade deals. We’re so good at negotiating!


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