Can't possibly be caused by something the world have been saying could cause something like this for years, in an area that is most likely to have an occurrence of this.
It has to be something we just thought of now that makes very little sense.
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Can't possibly be caused by something the world have been saying could cause something like this for years, in an area that is most likely to have an occurrence of this.
It has to be something we just thought of now that makes very little sense.
I knew it! This smelled like my Jew laser
Nothing like that fresh smell of fried ozone and matzo balls.
Slaps hood
This baby runs on hummus
I heard someone going off about this. According to them, Democrats houses were saved because of their blue roofs.
So I thought for a moment on how best to respond to such an incredibly stupid thing. And I said, at least the IHOPs are safe.
I heard something similar about the Maui fire. Something about how blue umbrellas and houses with blue roofs were spared because it was a blue laser that started the fires, which, even if that were true, once a fire gets started, it doesn't GAF what color something is
I love the idea that somehow all the Democrats were told to paint their roofs blue to avoid it. That's some real Ten Plagues of Egypt stuff.
Start carrying around mental health pamphlets
I think you mean "Liberal Propaganda"
If someone said that in response, they’re prob gonna end up being a mass shooter
Ok, even if one was conspiracy minded what's the rationale for starting wildfires? How does that help the evil government control the sheeple?
And why would they need to use the Jewish space lazers? A CIA stooge with a can of gas and a lighter would be more cost effective, no?
Because to admit that yes, climate change is real, and it's effects are terrifying, is to admit that they've been effectively duped for so many years of their lives, and these folks tend to come from a culture of rugged individualism and American exceptionalism. That kinda admission of defeat is unthinkable to that type.
And put nuclear sites at risk… how deep state of them
You don't get it, man. THEY want you to ask those questions.
Do you know about HAARP? And the Jews?
Gullible people will always need something to believe in.
Texas has a few of them
Texas Education system curriculum: football, religion, and maybe some other sports.
Untreated mental health issues
Quite silly to think anything other than climate change is causing this but I'm certain there is a weapon capable of doing this in space, most likely owned by the United States, and it's probably been discussed at length as a potential strategy.
I think the silly part is like... Ok, so a single space based weapon started the fire. Did that weapon burn all million+ acres?