Gonna smell awesome when it starts drying out.
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Gotta be super fuckin dangerous too. All those dead organisms suddenly saturated with water?
Dangerous how?
The dehydrated dinosaurs will begin to absorb the water and become very large.
I've seen it before when I was just a boy.
I gotta get some of those for my kid before he’s too big for baths.
They probably think it's some Hollywood scenario where a dried, salted germ from before mammals is able to adapt, spread, and kill a bunch of humans because water touched it.
Gotta love Hollywood optimism.
Just playing with scenarios but I imagine something similar to Salton Sea and its evaporating toxic lake.
I can see it now. "So MuCh FOr GlObAL WaRmInG."
Ya this has zero to do with climate change.
There is only so much water you can pull out each year for watering golf courses before it becomes net negative.
Gonna be life valley soon.
I want to have been there for when badwater basin was named.
"There's some water in this here basin"
"Yuup, but it's Bad."
Oh man, watch for pyros carrying any neon signs.
Going to be a great year for the International Landsailing events!