
joined 1 year ago
yin-yang kittys (kolektiva.social)
submitted 19 hours ago by m3t00 to c/cat

no idea their names

[–] m3t00 1 points 2 days ago

Fritz no doubt

[–] m3t00 2 points 2 days ago

Illinois. no idea where cat came from

[–] m3t00 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

dog is pretty old lays around a lot like me

Cali says hey (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 days ago by m3t00 to c/cat

Friend's cat and dog Petey.

Thought I posted this from phone. No idea where, meh

[–] m3t00 8 points 3 days ago

M&D made me go to Baptist summer camp. gave me a haircut before leaving and again once trapped there. turned me into the atheist I became. now basically an informed agnostic. too many religions to hate will make you just a hater. see them coming a mile away.

[–] m3t00 8 points 3 days ago

not how I did this one but that worked without even having an account on lemmy a few months ago. haven't tried it lately. https://lemmy.world/post/4991959

saw it as an exploit at the time. everything public including profile post history. mod favorite, check history

[–] m3t00 13 points 3 days ago

I just go to the post and copy address URL and paste into create post. often copy picture into body in case the image doesn't make it to thumbnail.

submitted 3 days ago by m3t00 to c/lemmyshitpost

Kangaroo teeth (mastodon.social)
submitted 3 days ago by m3t00 to c/science

humans must be optimized for hand tools and short life spans.

murder and doofus (mstdn.party)
submitted 3 days ago by m3t00 to c/cat

[–] m3t00 1 points 5 days ago

annihilation results in a large energy release. so nothing is actually disappearing. changing form maybe. I'm guessing at the big bang matter/anti-matter went opposite directions and we just can't see that half. not speculating about symmetry. just a large amount of anti-matter beyond observational light-speed limits. speculation


clickbait headline but interesting materials research. 'a unique magnetic transition phenomenon known as the "spin-fluctuating devil's staircase."'

[–] m3t00 3 points 1 week ago

and someone will be quoting him from jail

[–] m3t00 6 points 1 week ago

noticed in another group, every post had a couple down-votes. bot-like. no idea

Yard Monitor (masto.ai)
submitted 1 week ago by m3t00 to c/cat

submitted 1 week ago by m3t00 to c/cat

Don't disturb my sleep! (mastodon.social)
submitted 1 week ago by m3t00 to c/cat

[–] m3t00 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

didn't smell a skunk. maybe wind was right or it wasn't spraying

[–] m3t00 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

could be. only saw it for a second. white strip matches. never saw one catching mice in a garbage can. wasn't about to try and catch it.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by m3t00 to c/cat

louisiana parking lot trash can. Came up with a mouse and ran off before I got another picture. wasn't sure what it was. feral and wild. hanging in there by the back toes

[–] m3t00 10 points 1 month ago
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