this post was submitted on 08 Jun 2023
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Just finished BOTW this weekend and taking a break from Zelda. Picked up Pokemon Violet again but got distracted. Does Pokemon Violet get more engaging? I'm on the 3rd gym and I feel like they're still holding my hand.
Botw gave me an experience that I haven't had since Skyrim was new - I wanted to go out of my way to explore the whole world. Leave no piece of the map untouched.
Man, what I would give to experience Skyrim for the first time again.
I haven't touched a Pokemon game since X/Y. Black and White 2 were where Pokemon peaked, imho. I checked out after X/Y.
I've played every Pokemon game since the original Red, and it's definitely getting staler. I enjoyed Sun/Moon a lot but I can't recommend Sword/Shield or Scarlet/Violet at all. Hope that ToTK scratches that open world itch that I have from games like Skyrim, BoTW and Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West.
@cali @spicytuna62 TOTK is amazing. I could wander the world for hours
I got to the school in Pokemon Scarlet and couldn't continue the game. The world feels almost like a massive Super Mario 64 world and it's super disheartening. I've decided the future of Pokemon is in the hands of the fans to make good games. What do you like about this new generation of Pokemon?
It is a pretty massive map. I used an online guide for determining the order of which gyms/star bases I would battle, and just explored from there.